If you claim to be a Constitutional Conservative please read this - TopicsExpress


If you claim to be a Constitutional Conservative please read this Rant from my Constitutional mentor and the man I always say knows the Founding era more than anyone Ive ever met: UNDERSTANDING OUR CONSTITUTION AND BILL OF RIGHTS “To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child. For what is the worth of human life, unless it is woven into the life of our ancestors by the records of history?”~ Marcus Tullius Cicero “Now that I look back, I realize that a life predicated on being obedient and taking orders is a very comfortable life indeed. Living in such a way reduces to a minimum ones need to think.” ~Adolf Eichmann, Nazi SS Obersturmbannfuhrer Anyone who believes that all is required for a full understanding of our Constitution and Bill of Rights is to take the very short time required to read them will find themselves in quite a quandary. Trying to reconcile what they have read with what someone selling DVD’s and books states, as well as what is declared gospel by someone wearing a black robe, will prove difficult. Of course these black robed oracles are collecting monies and benefits from dollars stolen from those they must steer and incorporate into their employer’s agenda. There are those who have written books on how to be a “Constitutional Sheriff” who never adhered to the principles of the Constitution and Bill of Rights while they wore the badge themselves, but, telling someone how to do something seems to pay much better than actually doing it. There are those who claim to be “constitutional” Sheriffs when it comes to resisting federal encroachments on our lives (good thing) but then fail to insure that those who work in their name as deputies protect the constitutional rights of those whom they frequently harass and arrest on unconstitutional grounds. (bad thing) These so-called public servants have assumed the role of an occupying force and treat fellow citizens like soldiers treat possible insurgents in foreign countries when it comes to dealing with those who provide the funds for their paychecks instead of being members of a community protecting and serving. If you don’t think this is correct, attempt to engage one of these jackboots you don’t know in conversation about the Bill of Rights and how they are restrictive on the actions of those who wear the badge. (Have the name and number of a good bondsman and attorney handy) Then, of course, there are those who cling to the Constitution and Bill of Rights as long as it is comfortable to do so, but when supporting our founding documents becomes the least bit uncomfortable, they choose instead to stand on the sidelines and cheer rather than participate. That is if some sporting event or American Idol doesn’t happen to be on TV at the time. So, how does one come to know and understand the real reasons and meanings for our Constitution and Bill of Rights? Unfortunately it requires much more than simply carrying a pocket constitution in your pocket or purse. If you are to engage anyone on anything like a level playing field you must know and understand why any particular part of our founding documents was written; by whom it was written; how it was debated and most importantly how was it sold to those in the state ratifying conventions who agreed to accept those documents as the guidelines for their government back in 1788-89. As quoted above by Cicero, you either know the history of both those who wrote our governing documents and the reasoning behind it or you will be forever a child in understanding them. And a child is easily deceived. From whence comes your understanding and intent of our founders when it comes to the intended operation of the federal government and how it should interact with the states? Chances are very good if it originates with the bought and paid for whores in academe or the presstitutes and talking heads of the media, you are gorging yourself with government prepared pablum designed to make you a compliant and useful idiot/slave. Many look to the wisdom of Thomas Jefferson when it comes to our founding documents. While that is an excellent choice, the fact remains that during the writing and ratification process of our Constitution and Bill of Rights, Jefferson was not involved, in fact, he was not even in the country. If your knowledge and understanding of the Constitution and Bill of Rights does not incorporate the thoughts, intentions and in some cases proposed amendments of founders such as George Bryan, William Findley, Robert Whitehill, Tench Coxe and James Winthrop of Pennsylvania; John Dickenson of Delaware; Luther Martin of Maryland; Archibald Maclaine, James Iredell, Hugh Williamson, Samuel Johnston, Samuel Spencer, Richard Dobbs Spaight and William Richardson Davie of North Carolina; Rawlins Lowndes, Charles Pinckney, David Ramsey and James Lincoln of South Carolina; Benjamin Randall, Francis Dana, Dr. John Taylor, William Symmes Jr. and Fisher Ames of Massachusetts; John Lansing, Melancton Smith, Gilbert Livingston, George Clinton, John Williams and Robert Yates of New York; Edmund Pendleton, Henry Lee, Tobias Lear, William Grayson and George Nicholas of Virginia; Roger Sherman, Oliver Wolcott and Oliver Ellsworth of Connecticut; William Pierce of Georgia and Lambert Cadwalader of New Jersey, your vision of the founding of our country is myopic at best and non-existent at worst. If you read and understand the founders listed above you will see that the federal government was never intended to operate on the individuals in our country but their interaction was to be limited to the states alone. What a wonderful country we would have without having to deal with thousands of “federal sheriffs” as Patrick Henry called them, involving themselves in our everyday lives on a regular basis. Wow! No IRS, BLM, EPA, DEA, DOE, FBI, BATFE, USFS or a myriad of other alphabet despots. But. like the Nazis at Nuremberg, they are just following orders. Most everyone has forgotten the penalty for such a plea of ignorance. The powers of the federal government were intended to be “few and defined.” This can be easily seen and understood by the 9th and 10th Amendments to our Constitution. But the most popular president in our country, according to the government and their shills, killed over 700,000 people to ignore and destroy the vision and intent of our founders and replace a constitutional republic with an oligarchy where government owned and financed black robed tyrants rule as gods upon a throne. Even good republicans (if there are any such animals) claim “Nothing is unconstitutional until the Supreme Court says it is.” This quote of course came from our current representative to the Colorado Legislature, who legions that claim to support our Constitution and Bill of Rights will vote for because he is the “lesser of evils” come November. We have two constitutions in this country; the one the government claims the power to interpret and implement and the one that was intended by our founders. The first constitution and the tyrants who interpret it are able to prevail based simply on the ignorance and apathy of the species known as Ignoramus Americanus. (Please refer again to both quotes at the beginning of this Rant.) If an individual, residents of a county, state or country do not have a complete working knowledge of their governing documents, they eventually find themselves slaves to a government that has stolen their birthrights, their Liberty and their property, and replaced them with overwhelming debt, ever growing tyranny and oppression and eventual unbridled chaos. Look around you; does any of this look or sound familiar? In Liberty mike
Posted on: Wed, 21 May 2014 03:42:19 +0000

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