If you confess with your mouth “Jesus is Lord” and believe in - TopicsExpress


If you confess with your mouth “Jesus is Lord” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth one confesses, resulting in salvation. Please pray for Papa! Please pray for heart attack survivor Gene! Please pray for Papa! Please pray for heart attack survivor Gene! Please pray for Papa! salm 19:1 Good News Translation (GNT) Gods Glory in Creation[a] 19 How clearly the sky reveals Gods glory! How plainly it shows what he has done! Footnotes: a. Psalm 19:1 HEBREW TITLE: A psalm by David. b. [1] The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. c. The heavens — They are as a legible book, wherein he that runs may read it. As I went to the Private/Christian elementary school, I always had an urge to read the Bible. It was determined till I tried. I never got past one page. But twenty three years old, I began again. I finished Genesis and you wouldn’t believe how on fire for the Bible I became! Just past my 39th birthday, I finished reading the Bible a twenty second time! Hallelujah! a. Psalm nineteen-one has a special meaning to me. I praise Jesus especially because Im so gracious for the Bible. Nineteen ninety five, I read in Writers Digest—which I studied a decade—to cover little league games for practice writing. I lived near a little league ball field then and moved near another one, but I began copying church sermons. Bam! the Spirit moved over me as I copied my notes! I knew that was where I belonged! The glory — praise Jesus’ eternal power and Godhead, his infinite wisdom and goodness. Thats what the verse implies. Or says. Firmament — Or, the expansion, all the vast space extended from the earth to the highest heavens, with all its goodly furniture. Fathers Day thirteen, seeing many, many places I broke down before 27 women rejected me, I could tell distancing rejecters was my immediate obligation to receive the messages Jesus has intended for me. In all, I have two hundred ten rejecters, so if I see one from my seat in a restaurant, I get on the other side of the table. Receiving the messages Jesus has intended for you are of utmost important. Did I receive this obligation because I broke down 7 days a week and got to school, smelling like gas? thats a good question. It ripped me unbelievably far from Jesus [Almighty] Christ Who is Lord and God rose from the dead. That was my biggest mistake. It turned into 6 month coma, nerve damage, traumatic brain injury, shunt, crushed facial bones, brain surgery, lung tap, stomach tap, & broke bones on my left side and 5 blood clots in my brain. But now Im here to tell you praising Jesus is of utmost importance. you cant praise Jesus without faith. Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This scripture does not mean that faith is without evidence to support it. Some people seem to think you have to turn your mind off before you can turn your faith on. They seem to agree with what Mark Twain’s once said: “Faith is believin’ what you know ain’t true.” My little brother’s alleged suicide came after he lost desire to abide by the law. Sure, many say Justin and Dad owed the same drug dealers. At Dad’s funeral, I was told they were really, really powerful drug dealers. But I could tell Justin lost faith as he ran from the Law. When people claim that Science and Faith are at odds often point out that back in the Middle Ages the Catholic Church refused to accept Galileo’s theory that the earth revolved around the sun. (rather than the other way around.) That is true --- but the Church did not reject this theory based on the Bible. It was the teachings of Greek philosophy which held that the sun revolved around the earth, not teaching that came from scripture.1 overwhelmed? https://facebook/1deezd/posts/556716337769908?stream_ref=1 Besides that, the Church was not alone in rejecting scientific theories back in the Middle Ages. Listen to what Galileo Galilei said about the University Professors of his day. In a letter to fellow-scientist, Johanas Keplar, Galileo said, “I wish, my dear Kepler, that we could have a good laugh together at the extraordinary stupidity of the mob. What do you think of the foremost philosophers of this University? In spite of my oft-repeated efforts and invitations, they have refused, with the obstinacy of a glutted adder, to look at the planets or Moon or even at my telescope.”2 Like Galileo, Johanas Keplar was a Mathematician, Astronomer, and also a Christian. In 1595, he wrote this to a friend: “I wanted to be a theologian; for a long time I was unhappy. Now, behold, God is praised by my work even in astronomy”3 On another occasion, Keplar said that to practice science was “to try to think God’s thoughts after him.” We could pull similar quotes from early scientists like Albert Magnus, the grandfather of Geology, or Newton who founded Calculus, or Robert Bown who founded modern Chemistry, or Copernicus, the Astronomer. In large part, those who launched the Scientific Revolution believed in the God of Creation. And you might be surprised to know that many scientists today believe in a Creator. Physicist Paul Davies, wrote a book called The Mind of God where he talks about how the study of Physics pointed him to a Creator … to Someone beyond. Physicists have recently uncovered sub-atomic layers of reality which they have given names like quark. These quarks are so tightly bound within protons and neutrons that they are completely invisible even with the most powerful microscope. We may never be able to see one. An award-winning Physicist named John Polkinghorne said this: “You know what? I believe in quarks. Do you know why? Because it makes sense of all the other evidence that’s available.” Then he continued along the same line of reasoning, “I also believe in God. Why? Even though I’ve never seen Him, it makes sense of all the evidence I see out there ---- of the incredible complex nature of the world, of the multi-faceted levels of reality, of the fact that people long for worship and hope, the fact that there is a phenomenon of Jesus throughout the world.” Dad died in nineteen eighty nine. Papa learned about the drug dealers and went looking for them. Somebody very influential called my uncle and said he better stop snooping around. This is about faith and why the verse hit me so hard. The last segment of the Hebrew Bible was called the writings; unlike the earlier two sections, the third and final section seems to be a catch-all of miscellaneous documents, as if the compiler of the Bible decided on having a section called miscellaneous. Some scholars have tried to argue that the contents of the writings are necessarily later in composition than the works that make up the Law and the Prophets, and to some extent this may be true. Certainly the books of Chronicles and Ezra-Nehemiah are post-exilic in their origin. However, while the final form of such books as Psalms and Proverbs were probably post- exilic, they contain material which dates to a much earlier time. And the same can be said for Job, Ruth, and Ecclesiastes. Daniel is of course exilic, and although the majority of scholars would argue for a post-exilic date, this Outline will assume an exilic date for the book. because of the response my piece of junk unexpectedly received my perspective of the people I saw also jumped to a new pattern. Pattern. It was something I needed in the phase I was going into. Look at the writing of Psalm nineteen-one. Although most of the Latter Prophets are written in poetry, it was decided to wait until this point in the Outline to discuss the nature of Hebrew poetry, since traditionally it is with the book of Psalms that discussions of poetry generally begin. However, the earliest examples of Hebrew poetry may be found in Exodus 15, the so-called Song of the Sea, and in Judges 5, the Song of Deborah. The Nature of Hebrew Poetry 1. Lacks Everything Ordinarily, when a person who speaks English thinks of poetry, the word that most readily comes to mind is rhyme. The clearest distinguishing characteristic between poetry and prose in English is this single concept. Prose is the nature of this and all the previous sentences; nothing rhymes, except by accident. A secondary characteristic of poetry in English is that it has rhythm. Today, the most common poetry that people here is in music, which combines all aspects of English poetry in a pleasant format. Roses are blue, Violets are red, If you think its true Youre touched in the head. Hebrew poetry, in contrast to the poetry in English, lacks all these distinguishing characteristics. It rarely, if ever, has rhythm, and rhyme exists only by accident. So how does Hebrew poetry differ from Hebrew prose? Through what is technically called, parallelism. It is responsible for the somewhat repetitious quality most readers of the Psalms (and other poetry in the Bible) have no doubt noticed. After I was told a promise was a dream at my sixteenth birthday party, all I wanted was revenge. When I woke in rehab and saw my elementary school best friend—Barry—looking at me, I had to know what went on. I was in a new town in North Georgia. His mother had moved there as a nurse. I asked what was going on. He disappeared . I think I fell asleep. Then came a decade healing in rehab. 1m dollars. Thats if you count my countless, so many surgeries. I was on a path where I learned what Im sharing. Now, Im looking at the parallelism in Psalm nineteen-one. What is parallelism? Perhaps the easiest way to describe it would be to say that whereas in English, poems rhyme sounds, in Hebrew, poems rhyme ideas. For instance, take a look at Psalm one-one:Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. My favorite cousin who committed suicide, that was his favorite verse. Rather than seeing here three separate behaviors or individuals, the nature of Hebrew poetry instead shows us a single individual and a single idea, but viewed, as it were, stereoscopically. Counsel of the wicked, way of sinners and seat of mockers are all parallel or synonymous concepts. in closing, praise Jesus all day every day. youll see his hand fall upon your life and values in a most blessed way. I began praising Jesus in the countless, so many doctor waiting lobbies I was in my twenties. Over time, the doctors were flabbergasted at the speed of my healing. My throat surgeon was playing a video of plastic surgery on my throat. He was laughing so hard, slapping his knee, saying he had never done so well on ANYBODY! now, Im sure you see why praising Jesus is of such huge importance to me. Just like my eyes were opened as to rejecters in my life, or my keeping them there, my spirit was rewarded by the message. Any other time, without the praising Jesus, I’d just looked at the still quiet voice as nothing at all. Now, Im receiving blessings because praising Jesus gave me a power and sensibility I needed to be where Jesus can use and bless myself. Im still praying Jesus [Almighty] Christ Who is Lord and God raised from the dead returns “right now” and I’d really appreciate it if you join me in that prayer. Please pray for heart attack survivor Gene! Please pray for Papa! Please pray for heart attack survivor Gene! Please pray for Papa! Please pray for heart attack survivor Gene! Please pray for Papa! Please pray for heart attack survivor Gene! Please pray for Papa! Please pray for heart attack survivor Gene! P
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 01:12:57 +0000

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