If you consume any meat while you detox, let it be organic and - TopicsExpress


If you consume any meat while you detox, let it be organic and grass fed. For the love of all life and sake of our planet, stay away from processed meats — filled with well-known carcinogens, biggest cause of deforestation and responsible for massive air, water and soil pollution. But, since you’re only detoxing for a limited amount of time (from 1 to 30 days), try to go without meat altogether at least for this period, if only, to give your body a much-needed break. Most people eat more animal products and in larger quantities than their body can process. Milk and cheese are not your gut’s best friends and a detox big NO, as well. Rather than nourishing, dairy products malnourish (especially pasteurized cow milk and cheese) by depleting your body of nutrients to make up for the imbalance caused by the high acidity they produce. Read: they make a mess and to clean it up and restore homeostasis, your body needs to make use of its own stored up nutrients. Not cool. Worst of all, they increase the amount of mucus production in your lungs and gut, clogging you up even more. As such, if you suffer from asthma or allergies, quitting dairy is one of the best decisions you can make for your health. If not quitting altogether, at least try a temporary detox. Another significant milk/cheese downer is that it clouds your mind (and therefore, your vision) and reduces your energy (zombie state), due to its naturally present opiate substances. Just because we can tolerate something (an ingredient, a meal, a punch in the face), it doesn’t mean it’s healthy, nutritious or safe. Let alone all the cancer-causing crap they now put in dairy products, like the bovine growth hormone — which speeds your cancer cell growth, among other mutations.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 12:55:13 +0000

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