If you dip your finger in the ocean the residue that would remain - TopicsExpress


If you dip your finger in the ocean the residue that would remain on your fingertip represents dunya, while the rest of the ocean is the unseen. Life itself is like when a parent throws their child in the air before catching them back, it is a momentary panic with an expectancy of 40 to 80 years, so do not despair if youre in physical or emotional hardship because you belong in good hands (not anthropomorphising Allah here) and the soul will be given tribulations until that human walks on the Earth, FREE of sin, it is out of MERCY that you are tried and tested, but bear in mind that NO soul is ever burdened with MORE than it can bear, whatever hardship you come to face - it IS within your capacity to overcome it... be grateful in the knowledge that difficult situations could have been made more severe than they are, but out of mercy of your Lord they are made easier and more bearable, though you may still come to perceive during certain periods in your life why is this happening to me..., what did I do to deserve this.., why are others blessed with more...... console yourself with the knowledge that a period of tribulation is always followed by a period of ease, like embracing light when emerging from a dark tunnel and such the cycle will repeat for the duration of your life until you walk free of sins. In fact the Sahabah were always worried when their lives felt easy and untroubled because they preferred to be in hardship knowing that ease would follow, rather than be in ease and in anticipation of the inevitable period of hardship. After death of the physical body, when the soul reflects on its dunyan life, it will barely remember it, like waking from a dream and wonder why it was ever aggrieved by such an insignificant period of time, as relative to INFINITY, take a moment to understand that your soul, your essence (which is not a dunyan entity, its origin is from the angelic realm) WILL endure for eternity, YOU do not die when your earthly life ends, although the souls departure from the body will be excruciating at the moment of death, only the physical element of you, your body that belongs to the dunyan realm dies, your SOUL will continue to exist in the unseen realm, thus... relative to infinity, dunya is truly a fleeting moment. Allah loves us 70-fold more than a mother loves her child, can you conceive that any human mother would want to hurl her own baby into fire? Thus, if you commit evil out of ignorance and ignorance is not considered as behaviour where you were unaware of the wrong nature of the action, this Muslim would be regarded as being like the one who did nothing wrong (innocent) and this action would not be recorded as a bad deed, ignorant actions are considered those when you acknowledge that the action is forbidden but knowingly proceed to do it for a temporary worldly pleasure, you are considered ignorant of knowing the value of eternal wellbeing in the hereafter over dunya... if you follow this with immediate repentance and a sincere intention in the heart and mind not to repeat the action, you are forgiven. ‘Immediacy’ of repentance is asking for forgiveness of that deed at any point in your life before you die, everything is forgivable (except Shirk, polytheism) as the human being has potential for weakness as well as greatness, such is the majestic benevolence and mercy of Allah. Dunya... this life, is like staying afloat on water, do not panic or you will drown your mind in despair, stay calm, maintain your prayers and face every tribulation with the understanding that there is a wisdom behind emotional or physical suffering. If an orthopaedic surgeon were to amputate a diseased limb from a patient, he/she knows the surgery is necessary because it is compromising the life of the patient, but the patient will yell, protest, agonise and cry as the pain and distress causes them to believe they are being punished when in fact they are being helped, similarly tribulation is given to purify you, to save you from yourself, to ensure your success in the afterlife, the eternal life, after all, Allah is your creator and knows your thresholds, capacities, higher potential and your essential nature better than you know yourself.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 20:10:47 +0000

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