If you do the God-honoring deed of exposing or affirming a false - TopicsExpress


If you do the God-honoring deed of exposing or affirming a false leader or teacher in the out of control Satanically lead Charismatic movement which results in someone in that movement to say YOU just blashphemed the Holy Spirit! heres one way that I encourage you to use to respond... To begin with, note that they are referring to the passage Luke 12:10 10 And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; BUT HE WHO BLASPHEMES AGAINST THE HOLY SPIRIT, IT WILL NOT BE FORGIVEN HIM. Now that verse has been misused, misapplied, and misrepresented. What does it mean to blaspheme the Holy Spirit? Some people think it means to deny somebodys claim to speak in tongues, or deny somebodys encounter with God, or somebodys revelation, or somebodys word of wisdom, or somebodys word of knowledge, or somebodys claim that the Lord led him to do this, or led him to do that. It has nothing to do with that, at all. That has nothing to do with the text of this passage, or its meaning. Let me help you understand it, and you will, because of the verses I just showed you. Verse 10 opens, Everyone who will speak a word against the Son of Man, it shall be forgiven him. You might ask How can... how can one be forgiven of that? Look, there wouldnt be any Christians if you couldnt be forgiven of that. Do you understand that? Do you understand that every person before theyre converted is a blasphemer? What does it mean to blaspheme? To reject Christ, to deny Christ. It just means to be against Christ. Youre either for Me...or what? Or against Me, and if youre against Me, youve taken the position of one who rejects Me, who speaks against Me, or believes against Me, thats forgivable or nobody is saved. When the Holy Spirit comes, He convicts the world of sin and righteousness and judgment, of sin because they believe not on Me. Thats the blasphemy. And every sinner is a blasphemer of Christ. Before I was saved, I was. Before you were saved, you were. Before anyone is saved, thats what youre saved from...from the blasphemy of not confessing Jesus as Lord and acknowledging Him as Savior. Jesus said, Look, Ive come to call sinners to repentance. Not the righteous. In Mark 3:28, listen to what Jesus said. Truly I say to you, all sins shall be forgiven the sons of men and whatever blasphemy they utter. Thats right. You may blaspheme God, God will forgive it. You blasphemed God every time you broke His Law. You blasphemed God every time you denied the sovereignty of God in your life. You blasphemed God every time you did your own will without regard for Him. You blasphemed Christ when you didnt acknowledge Him as Lord and Savior. You have been forgiven of that. In Matthew 12:31 Jesus said, Sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven men. Of course, if you cant forgive blasphemy, nobody is ever going to get saved because all sin, in a sense, is blasphemy. Its exactly what salvation does, it forgives the sinners blasphemy. And that is true of every human who has repented and believed. Weve all repented of our blasphemy and been forgiven of it. Blasphemy is not some unique extraordinary evil, some isolated attitude, act or expression. Its the way of all the human race. Its blasphemy to break Gods Law. Its blasphemy to ignore God. Its blasphemy to reject Christ. And everyone whose been saved has been forgiven of that. That can be forgiven. Heres what cant be, back to verse 10. He who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him. Why? Because the Holy Spirit is the revealer of salvation through Christ. If you speak evil against His revelation, you cant be saved because theres no other way to come to the truth. You understand the difference? And thats what the Pharisees had done. They had spun Jesus life, as you well know, chapter 11 verse 15, the people were picking up on it, He cast out demons by Beelzebul the ruler of the demons. They said Jesus was of Satan. His power came from hell. Well, what they were doing was not just rejecting the Father because you cant honor the Father without honoring the Son. It was not just dishonoring the Son, but what they were doing was rejecting the testimony to Christ by the Holy Spirit. And once you cut yourself off from the revelation, you can never be saved. Thats why Jesus said in verse 29, This is a wicked generation. When Jesus came into the world in His incarnation, He was subject to the Holy Spirit. You know, He was actually conceived by the Holy Spirit, right? And at His baptism, according to Luke 3:22, the Spirit of God descended upon Him. And as He began His ministry, you remember back in the fourth chapter of Luke when Jesus began His ministry, it says, first of all, He went into the wilderness to be tempted but He was full of the Holy Spirit. And when the temptation was over, verse 14 of Luke 4, Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit. And then He began to announce who He was in the synagogue at Nazareth and He said, The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me because Hes anointed Me. And He went through His whole life operating not only in submission to the will of the Father, but in the power of the Spirit. Listen to Acts 10:38, Peter preaching. You know Jesus of Nazareth, how God anointed Him with the Holy Spirit and with power, and how He went about doing good, healing all who were oppressed by the devil for God was with Him. You know what Jesus did. You know what He said. And you know that it was the power of the Spirit. It was the Spirit who worked through Jesus. Thats why Jesus said, If you blasphemed Me, that could be forgiven. But if you blaspheme the Spirit, you just cut yourself off from the revelation, you cant be saved, because theres no way to be saved except to believe the Spirits testimony to Christ. So if you dont believe the Spirits testimony to Christ, theres no way to get the truth. Theres no truth apart from the Holy Spirit. In the Upper Room in the last Passover, Jesus said many wonderful things to His disciples, certainly at the top of the list is verse 26 of John 14. The Holy Spirit the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you. Chapter 15 verse 26, When the Holy Spirit comes whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, Hell bear witness of Me. The Spirit is the revealer. The Spirit is the revealer. You reject the testimony of the Spirit recorded for us in Scripture, you will never be forgiven. You will be condemned to hell with the rest of the hypocrites. And thats what the Pharisees did. They thought they were honoring God. They refused to honor the Son. They could be forgiven for their blasphemy against Jesus if they would believe the testimony of the Spirit. But if they blasphemed the Spirit and denied the veracity of His testimony, there was no hope of salvation because faith again comes by hearing the truth. Were born again by the word of God. Pastor and Bible teacher John MacArthur: Sermon: gty.org/resources/sermons/42-170 Here are the two brief videos that Im asking people to watch as it relates to the Strange Fire conference going on right now via livestream at gty.org tmstrangefire.org/media#.Ul6iAnEo6M8 (Click this media link and locate the 2 brief videos Im asking you to hear, which are --> What is the true legacy of the charismatic movement? (1:19 John MacArthur) and What is the fundamental flaw of the charismatic movement? (2:07 Steve Lawson)
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 02:48:04 +0000

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