If you dont believe in prayer, after reading this post, I hope you - TopicsExpress


If you dont believe in prayer, after reading this post, I hope you have a change of heart. I usually text my mom before heading out for a run so she can pray for a hedge of protection around me. I didnt this morning. I started my run around 8 am. Thirty minutes into my run, out of nowhere, I am being chased by two dogs. (God couldnt just give me one to scare the living daylights out of me!) I screamed at the top of my lungs for them to get away and my slow trot quickly turned into an Olympic sprint down the shoulder of the road. As I prayed out loud, I pictured my calves being breakfast for my four-legged foes.Then I thought, Its okay Carolyn. You already have an ugly scar down there if you DO get bit. Itll be okay. Just keep running!! (I give you permission to laugh. Looking back, I can only imagine how ridiculous I looked. But I can assure you, it wasnt a laughing matter at the time!) Miraculously, the dogs both turned around and ran across the road towards a house they probably escaped from earlier. My sprint subsided to a trot but my heart was still racing! Tonight, I received a text from Mom asking how my day was. I hadnt talked to her all day.Randomly, I asked her if she prayed for me for protection while running. She did...at 7am. Be encourage: God knows what we need, when we need it. He goes before us and is ALWAYS with us.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 01:28:44 +0000

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