If you don’t believe you can afford to eat healthfully, consider - TopicsExpress


If you don’t believe you can afford to eat healthfully, consider the high price of being sick and lethargic. Calculate the cost of days missed from work for illness. Add up the price of having no energy to play with your kids or to do things that would help you to save money. Think about the exorbitant prices of medical care. Many of these things are completely avoidable – all you have to do is feed your body real food and you will be astounded at the resultant glowing health. How much money have you spent over the last year fighting ill health that could have been avoided through good nutrition? GMOs have been proven to cause cancer, ghastly tumors, organ failure, and death. Many of the additives included in the products proudly displayed on grocery store shelves have been banned in other countries because of the health consequences they wreak. Top this with a produce section absolutely drenched in pesticides that have been proven to result in cancer, hormone disruptions, and learning problems in children. Here are a few realistic tips that do not include relocating to 30 acres of prime springfed organic farmland blocked off on 3 sides by mountain ranges. Realistically, you may not be able to make every one of these things happen, but for each positive change you make, you are taking steps towards better health and you are revolting against the toxic food cartel. Buy local. Ideally, you never need to set foot in a grocery store. Change your shopping habits and buy from local farmers, either directly from their farm or from a farmer’s market. You will get your produce at the optimum time, right after it was picked. As well, you can directly ask the farmer about his practices. Sometimes farmers grow organically and they just haven’t gone through the expensive and highly regulated certification programs that exist to make increase the monopoly of factory farms. Buy produce that is in-season. Purchasing food that is in-season is not just cheaper, it is nutritionally beneficial too. Buying strawberries in January and asparagus in October requires that the produce be picked before it is fully ripe, and the produce begins to decompose and lose nutrients the second it is separated from the plant. Avoid the high cost of transporting your “fresh” Christmas berries and melons and stick to the items that nature is currently providing in your area. Plan your menu AFTER shopping, not before. This allows you to stay on budget because you aren’t shopping for special ingredients to make pre-planned meals. You can take advantage of the best deals and plan your meals around those. This can also help by keeping those unplanned budget purchases from going to waste in your crisper drawer while you carry on with your planned menu. Drink water. We generally stick to drinking water. Not fluoridated tap water – we purchase 5 gallon jugs or fill them in a spring when that option is available. Water is cheaper and healthier. Beverages that you make yourself like coffee and tea are far less expensive than the soda pop and energy drinks that fill most modern refrigerators, not to mention, relatively free of the toxic chemicals that overflow in the store-bought drinks. Add some lower priced protein options. While lots of us would love to have grass-fed beef and free range chicken breasts twice a day, the cost is prohibitive. Add value-priced wholesome protein with beans, farm fresh eggs, whole made yogurt and cheese, nuts, and milk. Dont be fooled with sugar filled dairy products choose wisely. Stop eating out. Just one Mc Donalds meal for a family of 4 is between $20-30. Delivered pizza is about $25 . The $45-55 that you would spend for this “convenience” could buy a lot of whole foods. You will actually eat LESS when you feed your body. Part of the reason that the obesity problem is epidemic in Australia is because people are desperately seeking nutrients from depleted food-like substances. Their bodies are crying out, “I’m hungry!” even though they have consumed thousands of calories, because their nutritional requirements are not being met. What’s more, many chemicals are added because they are engineered in a way that makes you want to eat more and more (like MSG, for example). They don’t stimulate the satiety centers in the brain that tell your body that it’s full. So using some common sense shopping tips and better choices in whole food you will end up eating less which will in fact be cheaper as your whole food lasts longer.... I encourage all to come in and see the range of whole foods at the Holistic Centre and remember bulk orders can be placed....and if your time poor take advantage of my whole food super food menu and ill make it for you at great rates...
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 06:29:47 +0000

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