If you even start to think that this piece might just have some - TopicsExpress


If you even start to think that this piece might just have some shred of credibility you have to take a look at the name of the author - Moshe Arens. Ex Israeli Defense Minister, Moshe Arens is typical of the mainstream Israeli right wing. A European Jew who does not believe in the peace process and never misses an opportunity to conflate the worlds problems with Israeli insecurity and the need for ever more US subsidy and ever greater military might. Arens is Iranophobic and, despite the fact IS and others are also a threat to Iran , manages to somehow twist the facts around to present yet another existential threat to Israel. Arens is famous for two things - his quote that he never answers a hypothetical question - which is code for saying forget the West Bank, the Settlers are there to stay. The other is his famously stated position that al-Naqba (the driving out of 750,000 Palestinians from their homes in 1948 when Zionist forces committed 33 massacres and destroyed 531 Palestinian towns.) is a lie. His reasoning is that the Palestinians left as a result of the war caused by the invasion of the Arab armies and that they were ordered to do so. The fact that even Israeli historians have accepted that this is not true, that the Arab armies came after al-Naqba and not before, that they were outnumbered two to one by the Israeli army and that the autobiographies of figures such as Menachem Begin have confirmed this do not matter to him. Menachem Begin, leader of Irgun and later Israeli prime Minister is quoted as saying of the Deir Yassin Massacre, “As in Deir Yassin, so everywhere, we will attack and smite the enemy. God, God, Thou has chosen us for conquest.” So it is a little disingenuous for Arens to deny what others have admitted but that is his nature. He even accuses Palestinians of the crime of changing history when he is doing it himself and even going so far as to quote George Orwell from his book 1948 when he says He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past. Moshe Arens, like so many other Israeli politicians before him, is a salesman masquerading as a statesman whose words should be regarded with suspicion and whose interpretations of history should be treated with the contempt that they deserve.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 10:31:37 +0000

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