If you ever been to the mall you may have seen a jewelry store or - TopicsExpress


If you ever been to the mall you may have seen a jewelry store or two. Maybe you have been to a jewelry store itself and have admired the beauty of the diamonds. Diamonds are beautiful and come from being a mineral inside the earth to becoming a beautiful diamond that now carries value it never had. The journey of a diamond starts at 87-118 miles deep within the earth at temperatures of 1,652 to 2,372 degrees. This mineral has to not only get from about 100 miles up to see the light and endure heat of up to 2,372 degrees to become the most beautiful and most valued precious gem. Some of us can be like this diamond on its journey to becoming beautiful. It may seem like we are so far from God and in that we are going through things that would make a sane person lose their mind. It is so easy to give up and walk away when things seem to be like a sinking ship. In (James 1:2) it talks about when we go through trials of many kinds to consider it pure joy. You may look at that verse and say it is not that easy. It is not easy at times to have joy and peace in the middle of a storm or trial, but if you can endure it with good outlook we will come out refined as gold. Today you may feel as if you’re going through the fire and are wondering when it will ever stop. You may be like I was and felt 100 miles away from God. The truth is that it may seem your 100 miles even 1000 miles away but it is only one step back. You may even be feeling pressure from every side but know you’re in good hands when you place your hope and trust in God. The bible even tells us in (Galatian 6:9) not to grow weary in good doing for our harvest will come if we do not give up. I encourage you today to push through all that is around you and give it to God (1 Peter 5:7) and watch what beautiful creation He makes you into. People will stop and look at what God created in you and know your value from where you had been to where you are now.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 12:31:02 +0000

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