If you ever find yourself talking to a Christian who has read the - TopicsExpress


If you ever find yourself talking to a Christian who has read the Bible and REALLY thinks it is true and has done some CRAZY Bible study, they will pretend that anything outside the Bible is you trying to bring in a new argument and change the topic. But there are some things outside the Bible that they themselves use to validate the Bible, and they just dont bring it up unless they are talking to other Christians for discussion about how true the Bible is. They use Bible Archaeology and Syro-Palestinian Archaeology for example, there are a lot of people who have seen VHSs and DVDs and Youtube videos in the context of Bible Study or Sunday School or even Church Camp, where people talk about how they found Noahs Ark in Turkey, and how they found Egyptian Chariot wheels at the bottom of the Red Sea. So they are not just using the Bible, they also try to use extra-Biblical archaeology to confirm the Bible, and even if not out loud, then in their minds. First, if you ever find yourself talking to a creationist, or a Bible literalist. You are probably talking to someone who believes the world is about 6,000 years old, because there is a genealogy in the Bible from Adam to David to Noah to Moses to Jesus, and it only allows for about 6,000 years since creation. So first thing you should research when looking up these people is Bethlehem or Jericho. Both very important cities in the Bible, and both have history going farther back than 6,000 years. Tel es-Sultan in Israel is an example of an ancient human living place. Lebanon and Syria were also more connected to the Israel region than we imagine today. Most Christians, even if they dont believe the world is only 6,000 years old, do believe that the Dead Sea Scrolls prove the Bible is a historical document. But if you study the Dead Sea Scrolls, they actually contain more books than the Bible, such as the book of Enoch and the Book of Macabee. And another Document that was found by researchers around the same time as the Dead Sea Scrolls (the 1940s I think) is the Nag Hamadi Codex. This includes books that a section of ancient Christians considered to be Holy. These books contain a lot of Information that most Christians probably havent even read. And if you read the Torah, or the Tenakh or the Septuagint, you will find even more information that many Christians have not read. But the Torah and the Tenakh are normal for people to read in Jewish Tradition. Then there are people like Edward Robinson, he wrote tons of books, and tons of people have quoted him and expanded on his writings saying that different places in the Bible are the equivalent of other known historical sites. Many of the arguments for Biblical history are loosely if not completely based on his books. Some of the things he found are today considered to be the locations of different things, since much of the world is Abrahamic and they get to decide what is real. Moses: 1. Moses was raised in Pharaohs house and was taught about all Gods 2. Moses made the Tabernacle and Covenant of the Ark out of Acacia wood, which is the Egyptian Tree of Life 3. Historians Think the Burning Bush was Acacia and Moses inhaled the vapors, which may have caused Visions. Acacia trees dont burn easily, because they have gas that burns away around them and protects them. 4. Moses killed a slave driver when he had an identity crisis, then his brother took advantage of that, and freed his people. 5. Anything before Moses in the Bible, was written by Moses. When people think of Temples and Pyramids in Ancient Egypt, they often think of Slaves. But that is not how it worked according to Egyptian record. According to Egyptian Record, Temples worked a lot more like Universities and Libraries and other Public buildings do today, except they waited until someone died and built the building in their honor. For example, instead of Thomas Jefferson starting a university, then his money going towards public education, how we do now. What happened in Ancient Egypt, for example, Imhotep died. And since Imhotep was known as a great builder and surgeon, the Pharaoh had a temple built for him so that people could go there and call on Imhotep for help. Imhoteps writings were kept here and his methods were passed down until they reached Greece thousands of years later (in the form of Aesclapius) and started western Medicine that we practice today. And people were paid for their work, for example, Imhotep was not Royalty, but he was well respected and well paid for his work in building. And so were many other people. There is no time of Jewish slavery in Egypt according to Egyptian record. Christians will argue that the Ipwter Scrolls or something like that talk about Servants and stuff, but that was written before the Bible and it makes more sense that whoever made up the Bible story read that scroll and not that the scroll is referencing the Bible story. Moses and Slavery are not the only Fairy-Tales that can not be found in Egyptian history, or any history other than the Bible and Torah, the Bible also falsly inserts itself into Egyptian history another time, before Moses, so obviously, this means it should have been written by Moses. If Moses even existed at all, so there are some gaps starting to form on the Abrahamic side. And Abraham, Noah, etc. Also stories made up by Moses, and Moses himself is not accounted for in any ancient record. But Joesph, we have all heard the Story of Joseph and his Technicolor Dreamcoat, and he gets sold in to slavery by his brothers and then eventually becomes famous in Egypt as Pharaohs Dream Interpreter, and solved a 7 year famine. The Story of Joseph can be found no where in Egyptian record. But according to Abrahamic Tradition, Moses wrote that story in the Bible. Moses was raised in Pharoahs house... If he even existed... So he would have heard of Imhotep. Imhotep was not only a great Builder and Surgeon, but he was the Pharaohs Dream Interpreter, and he was famous because he invented the very first Pyramid, known as the Step Pyramid. Imhotep was also famous because he solved a 7 year famine, he did not do this by interpreting a dream though, he did this by reading Ancient books (he lived around 2500 BC, so these books were SUPER ancient since he even thought they were ancient) and that is how he solved the 7 year famine. The Story of Imhotep can be found on the Famine Stela and it is the only story in Egyptian history that even comes close to matching the story of Joseph in the Bible. Also, if Joesph existed he was rich and well educated in Egyptian culture after a while. So when his father Jacob died, he had him carefully buried in a cave that was made for his burial. And this story teaches Christians and Jewish people how to deal with the burial, proceedings and possessions of a dead relative. No one has ever found Jacobs body. So if you take the story of Jacob as a fairy-tale that is meant to preserve the procedure of dead family, it makes a lot more sense. Some people think Jacob was buried in this Cave in Israel en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cave_of_the_Patriarchs Some people think Eve was buried in this tomb in Saudi Arabia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomb_of_Eve But there is no direct evidence that these people are in there. If you have ever wondered why it is so easy for everyone to hate the Palestinians and think Well they shouldnt have done whatever they did to deserve it is because Palestine is Philistine. According to the Bible, David founded the state of Israel by killing the surrounding Philistines. For example, the mythical Giant known as Goliath was supposedly part of the Philistine army. And when King David killed the Philistines, he secured his place as king by killing a lot of family members. Then he had babies with someones wife and sent them to fight on the front lines, to die, so that they would never find out. But the Philistines were the ones who were demonized through history, even though they owned the land that David took and were probably trading with Davids people some time before he started the war. But those 2 groups have just been having Israel-Palestine conflict sine the beginning of the Bible.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 05:59:19 +0000

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