If you ever had any doubts about our mainstream media being - TopicsExpress


If you ever had any doubts about our mainstream media being Liberal bias and covering up crimes of this liberal government........this week just proved its all very true like so many millions of americans already know......... The biggest story of the week was the Obamacare architect saying in his own words how this administration tricked/lied about Obamcare to the stupid American public..........Thats big news and everybody knows Obamacare raised the price of premiums and deductibles and its a complete disaster....... And the mainstream media ignored the story all week long......NBC....ABC ignored it completely and CBS ran a brief story on it but failed to show the BIG Nancy Pelosi lie........ People dont realize thats theres Millions of people in this country who dont have the internet or cable t.v........and their sole source of info is a criminal mainstream media NBC....ABC....CBS.......that covers up these criminal acts by the Democratic Party........and you wonder why the public is stupid and clueless about politics.......The media is there to make sure these people without internet or cable remain in the dark.........
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 23:25:03 +0000

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