If you ever thought about ADOPTION: Consider this new survey - TopicsExpress


If you ever thought about ADOPTION: Consider this new survey result from the Dave Thomas Foundation. Follow your heart. More than 100,000 children. That’s the number of children in foster care currently available for adoption in the United States. These children wait for years — sometimes for their entire childhoods — until they age out of foster care and enter into an uncertain future. Last year, nearly 30,000 children turned 18 and were emancipated from care, with nowhere to go, and no one to provide them with support and encouragement. The door to foster care was forever closed behind them, yet they had no families to call their own. Instead of making changes, too often we make excuses — this child is too old; that child is better off not moving again; our budget has been slashed and we just cannot do any more. But when it comes to a child’s life, there is no time for excuses. Every child deserves a home. Every child is adoptable. The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption views the urgency of this issue through the eyes of a child in foster care. We believe that everyone has a responsibility to be the voice of foster care adoption so that every child finds a family. The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption exists to find homes for children in North America who are waiting to be adopted from foster care. In the process, the Foundation works to inform people who may have misperceptions about foster care adoption that keep them from getting involved. Through the money raised, the Foundation provides free educational resources, promotes awareness, assists policy makers and employers, and supports adoption professionals and agencies throughout the United States and Canada to ensure that every child finds a forever home.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 15:20:24 +0000

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