If you have a few minutes, take the time to read my real life - TopicsExpress


If you have a few minutes, take the time to read my real life Plexus story. My journey began April 15th, and then I signed up to change lives May 1st, 2014. Plexus has changed my life, and I will share a few of the reasons why. 1: I had major blood sugar issues. I was hypoglycemic and I would pass out if I didnt eat every hour. I used to be able to control it with my diet, however 6 months before I started on Plexus it had crashed 3 times without any warning. Many people did not know how bad it was, a blend I definitely was going to worry my family and tell them. I am hard headed, and was going to do things on my own. I am not a fan of the Drs and did not want to go in and be put on insulin and seizure meds (poison), however it was starting to scare me bad. I am happy to report my blood sugar is now regulated and I havent passed out since starting Plexus! 2: I had severe asthma and allergies. The Drs told me my lungs were working at 30% of their capacity last time I went in. I was on 2 inhalers and 2 allergy pills (poison) and still had no relief. The more I used my inhalers the more I needed them. I was waking up in the middle of the night with what felt like anxiety because I couldnt breathe. I would wake up reaching for my inhaler. Yes, believe it or not, but I am off my 2 inhalers and 2 allergy pills and my allergies and asthma cease to exist! 3: My migraines and Restless Leg Syndrome are gone! 4: Anyone who knew me well knew I was sick ALL the time! I used to get mononucleosis 3-4 times per year. I lived on antibiotics and therefore had major candida overgrowth issues. My immune system was shot. I was run down and tired all the time. I could never stay awake to hangout or watch a movie at night. If I did decide to go out I knew I would suffer with waking up the next morning sick. I am so EXCITED to say I have not been sick in over 5 months which is a HUGE record for me!!!! I have a ton of energy and feel amazing!!!! I now stay up till 11 quite often and can jump out of bed in the morning bright eyed andllnd bushy tailed! 5: The Opportunity of the Lifetime. Wow. Where do I start?! Our Products WORK, our comp plan is AMAZING and Plexus Worldwide treats us like ROYALTY!!! I am so excited to be retired from the rat race, my 8 to 5 J-O-B and change lives now for a living and get paid very WELL to do it! My dreams are coming true! I have more than doubled my FULL time income, and get a raise each month! I get paid 5 times per month, just insane! I have earned multiple incentives and just recently earned our armazing Leaders Retreat to the beautiful Orlando Gaylord Resort, along with Disney World Tickets, $300 spending cash, and the VIP Executive Dinner. Next year I will have earned a beautiful new Plexus Lexus and a trip to Maui!!!! This is HUGE! And its happening! Pinch me?! If you are still reading, thank YOU! Feel free to share my story. I woukd love to talk! I am so passionate about what we have to offer and changing lives is thee best feeling EVER! I give it all to God because He has blessed me with this opportunity. I was a major skeptic but it was on my heart for a long time and I am glad I gave Plexus a chance. The friendships I have made so far are priceless! THANK YOU PLEXUS!
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 19:06:02 +0000

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