If you have been following the cannabis legalization movement and - TopicsExpress


If you have been following the cannabis legalization movement and sort of lurking in the background watching to see how it goes, and you have been considering getting more involved- right about now would be a good time. Because things that are happening right now have the potential to seriously hinder or incredibly help the movement. The CBD oil only laws have the tendency to allow politicans to wash their hands of the issue while simultaneously feeling like they have done something about it. After all, all those little kids having seizures have been saved. But what about the other 699? I am talking about the list of 700 conditions that cannabis treats or cures. If seizure disorders is one- then what about all the rest of us being left behind in this war against the war on cannabis? Are we just collateral damage? Are we supposed to go into that dark night as sacrifice- we, the other 699 must be ok with our suffering and dying; just as long as the kids with seizure disorders are taken care of? This action also splits the force of the movement by taking away one of our vital causes and the support of those who dont care to know more about the issue, but see it as cruel to keep a harmless and non-psychoactive herbal oil from sick kids. But please be advised that if you decide to take CBD oil only laws, that when those children with seizure disorders grow up and then need the full spectrum entourage effect of healing that can only come from the whole plant and all cannabinoids- it will sadly not be available to you. And in the mean time, those children benefitting from CBD oil only laws will see family, loved ones and friends suffer and die needlessly for lack of the same herb that they got for themselves only. Cancer is on the rise. Cannabis cures cancers. How many in your family will die in the next five years for lack of the harmless cancer killing effects of cannabis? It does not feel good to leave battle buddies behind, no it does not. It is an action without honor. I would rather die for lack than have some ill gotten gain for myself that came with a price of the suffereing, misery and death of my friends, loved ones... on it. CBD only laws for children with seizure disorders only buy some time, it is extremely short-sighted. But I cant blame you much... your child is in front of you having a deadly seizure for lack of a plant that is growing right outside your door. And someone has come in the night of your despair to make an offer to you, to make a deal. And in this desperate situation, what might you do in your dealings with the devil? You will take the plea bargain, knowing it is a lie. You will make a deal for your child knowing it means further death and suffering for so many... including your sister or your mother. Or... is there another choice?
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 02:37:18 +0000

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