If you have been in church for any amount of time, you have heard - TopicsExpress


If you have been in church for any amount of time, you have heard someone try and answer one of life’s reoccurring questions; “Why are bad things happening all the time?” When we are trapped in a situation that is challenging, it is difficult to find an answer that will be completely acceptable. Let us pray that the Holy Spirit would infuse our thoughts, not only with truth, but truth that brings peace and offers hope. Because this is such a personal issue, words offered can often times be honest, but not comforting…may God not only answer the questions intelligently, but may he soothe the wounded soul and mend the broken hearts. Well, if we are going to look at this glaring question, I think it would be valuable to examine a biblical character who experienced his share of pain and disappointment…after we have looked at his life, we will then consider some practical habits we can adopt to help us as we walk through these trials. Jesus promised us in John 16:33 that in this world we would have trouble. And few men have experienced as many difficulties as Paul. In II Corinthians Paul shares portions of his story, declaring that he has worked hard, been in prison frequently, been flogged many times and been exposed to death over and over. Five times his back was ripped up with the cat of nine tails. Three times he was beaten with rods. Once he was stoned. Three times he was shipwrecked, even spending 36 hours in the open sea. The index of tests that were placed before him is long, yet the bad things in life did not knock him off of his resolve. He continued to trust God. He was faithful in serving God. And, He was devoted to the cause of Christ. It is amazing to me that a man who experienced such an incredible array of challenges did not give up hope; instead, he persevered. He remained true to God and to Himself. But how? How did Paul do it? And, what can we learn from Him? Before there can be any answers to those important questions, I have to go back to the original question posed. The question of “why?”. Why did those bad things happen to Paul and why do they happen to every one of us? Why isn’t life perfect? Why are there so many challenges? I believe there are two reasons: The majority of the bad things that happen in life do so, because there is evil in the world. Some people believe that the devil is an allegory for all things evil, but the Bible teaches that the devil is actually a fallen angel who has been waging war against God since he first slithered as a serpent in the Garden of Eden. He has made it his goal to steal, kill, and destroy as much as he can. He stands in opposition to God and everything that he loves. That is why he came after Paul, and that is why we experience some of the challenges we do. He is the one who brings division into relationships. He is the one who causes pain. And, he is the one who causes injustice to take place. Actually, the bible says he comes simply to steal, kill and destroy. Often times the devil uses people as the instruments with which he can hurt, but it is his influences that drives them to cut deep leaving scars. Many people want to blame God for all that is wrong in their world, but God is the lover of your soul. The devil is the one who hates you. God’s heart breaks when you are wounded. The devil smiles with a sinister grin. There are times in life when we cause our own pain. By ignoring God’s plan and by turning a deaf ear towards conviction, many wander around in a chaotic fog trying to make sense out of their life. Those people are no less likely to complain about their circumstances and/or hardships, but it is their poor choices that have brought about their current circumstances. God’s commandments are not rules that bind; they are directives that bring freedom. If you regard them, you will experience a better life, then if you do not. There are some things that are never your fault. Divorce is never the fault of the children. Abuse can never be blamed on the victim. The same with injustice. Don’t start blaming yourself for things that were done to you or as a result of someone else’s poor choices, but if there are some areas of your life where you are ignoring God’s voice, then you could be causing your own pain. So…bad things happen caused by the devils hand, and sometimes because your own poor choices push you out of God’s protection and purposes. But, how are we to deal with those difficult things in our life? How should we deal with life’s challenges as we face them right now? Let’s explore. Understand that you are not the only one who is struggling. The lie of self-absorption declares, “no one has it as rough as me.” We look through tainted glasses that show us a picture of peace, health, relational harmony, and perfect lives in every one else’s home only to highlight the confusion, pain, chaos, and challenge in our own lives. That sense that everyone has it better than me invites the parties of self-pity…but I can assure you that everyone has difficulties. Everyone experiences pain. There are trials with every season in life but it is the claustrophobic problems that we face that make us feel as though know one understands. No one can relate. When you understand that others face pressure and they haven’t physically imploded it helps you to gain perspective. When you look into the life of Paul and realize that he had it much worse than you (have you ever been beaten with an instrument designed to rip the flesh off of your body) and not only survived, but served God faithfully and effectively in the midst of his trials, it gives you hope. If he made it, you can make it too. Examine your own life. Are you causing your own pain? Are you ignoring conviction in some area of your life that God is interested in? If so, then it is time to have a face-to-face chat with Jesus and ask him to reveal that area to you. In Psalms 139:23-24, King David prayed a dangerous prayer. “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” As crazy as it sounds, he quieted his heart before the Lord and gave God permission to examine his heart. If you do this on a daily basis and then respond in forgiveness as he reminds you of sins and attitudes that aren’t pleasing to him…you will alleviate a lot of your pain and experience more joy. Accept that God never promised you a perfect world. In Philippians 4:11b-13 Paul told us about his approach to life. “for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” Paul is not complaining that life wasn’t perfect…he was saying that he had learned to be satisfied no matter what life would bring. Whether he was in prison for the cause of Christ, or experiencing freedom. Whether he was wealthy or in poverty. Paul was satisfied. He knew God didn’t promise him a perfect world, he simply knew that God would give him the supernatural strength to deal with whatever came his way. Draw your strength from your relationship with Jesus. Paul never boasted in his own strength. He relied on the ability of Jesus working in Him to help him cope and to help him overcome. It was that real relationship that he had with Jesus that encouraged him, that gave him hope, and that helped him maintain his joy. Jesus longs to help us find comfort in the midst of the difficulties and peace in the middle of chaos. Even when we are incredibly weak and the world seems to be closing in all around us, we can lean on Him; He will be our strength. John 16:33 doesn’t start off well. It doesn’t promise fame, fortune, or perpetual happiness. It guarantees trouble…but the verse sure ends well. It denotes that God is in control, He is on your side, and things will turn out alright. “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33. Now that is good news. If you are in a difficult situation right now and you are trying to discover the peace that will get you through, pray the prayer below and ask God to help you through these difficult times. Father God, I thank You that are on my side. I know you love me and that You want the best for me. God, right now, I ask You to examine my heart. If You have been trying to get my attention and I have not heard or responded to You, please speak to me now. I am ready. I know You never promised me a perfect life, but at times I feel overwhelmed. I don’t know how to deal with my pain and I don’t know how to find answers to my questions, but I choose to trust You. I want to rely on You. Please loan me Your strength so that I can make it through. In Your son’s name, I pray. Amen.”
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 15:13:40 +0000

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