If you have ever thought in your life that this is all there is, - TopicsExpress


If you have ever thought in your life that this is all there is, you have not thought about the deeper things that God has in store for you. It is through our trials that we will know victory. What does that mean? Let me tell you a story about a woman that was and still today is a Prayer warrior. She was my mother. She would stay up late, usually the last one to go to bed, sometimes awaiting on her oldest Son to creek up the stairs after being out all night. She would be the first one up in the morning. Her Son slept in and without doubt was still drunk. My Mother, the real prayer warrior, would march on and get up and make her way to the dairy barn and get things going. My father would soon follow, but she was the glue that held us all together. My Father was a driven man and by all rights was a successful Dairyman that exceeded his peers in his trade. It was in her heart to pray. She sustained my father. She was the prayer warrior that knew no other way. She would constantly go to God. You see, She learned this art from her mother, and her mother’s mother and her mother’s mother. I am part of a generational blessing. You must understand that I am greatly blessed and highly favored. She was only doing what the Holy Spirit had told her to do. It was her constant Prayer that blessed our home farm in Southwest Wisconsin. Her Prayers were of an Intercessory level because it was never about her. She prayed for me, my brother Dan and Tim. In 1978 our family went through a season of challenge. Some that are non-believers would deem this has a time that God had left us. A question that unbelievers ask is, That how could God allow my brother Dan to lose his legs and burden my mother with such strife? For it was her that beyond her prayer, her daily chores, her worrying about her oldest son, taking care of her family and her Husband that would bear the brunt of my younger brother being Paralyzed from a motor-vehicle wreck. So how could God give her this? Now understand this, but it is God that sustains us and teaches us in our valleys of life to proclaim in our sorrow, in our tribulation. He has never left us. He is allows us affliction in our lives to teach us, to show us his Love. To show us how great he is. I will only tell you that through a series of events that will bring me to the next part of this message to you and how God is using me in his Generational blessing. On Feb 14th 2012 I had a near death experience on my Harley-Davidson Motorcycle. a day which will always be a moment in time that will be a marker for me. It was a moment in time that set in motion a series of events that brought me here to Georgia. Though I believe God brought me here, I had no idea what he had in store for me. He brought me here and I did suffer from some afflictions and challenges. It was a time when I thought I knew what God wanted, but why I am still suffering. Why do I still feel like crap!? You spared me Lord. Why do I still suffer? What is it you want me to do? You brought me from death; you spared me, what it is you want me to do? It was sometime in 2013 that I came to myself. I had been saved in 1980 but after knowing what God had brought me from, I knew that God had more. I had no idea what being Sanctified meant. It took me a life to understand what that met. I was not mine. I was his. I was to give Testimony. I have so much more to tell. I can’t give it all now. God has taken me from a church that has taught me so much and brought me to a new season in my life. Finally I understand that I am going to leave more than I’ve gave and given more that I gave. It was during my time at BlackShear Place Baptist church that I learned about Love. I got involved in a Bible study in March of 2013, a month later I became a member of the church, Shortly thereof I became a member of a bible fellowship class. It was in this class that I met my mentor, Lee Phillips. He invited me to a mission trip to Atlanta working with the homeless, ministering to them and feeding them. It was at this moment during 2013 that I was able to understand the Love that God truly has for all people. I felt a presence of God in my Spirit that I had never felt. I sensed and felt that he was conditioning my heart for something even greater. Not long after that I got involved in Intercessory prayer and began to understand the value of praying for others. I soon after got involved in volunteer work as a camera man in media department. Service and Love became a part of my life that I would have dreamed that I would be living. So Why Would I leave a church that has given me so much? God is Sovereign. He is Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscience! He knows all before it happens! He brought me here Georgia and is taken to me to West Virginia. How could have I seen this a few years ago? He has brought to me a wonderful, Godly woman, in Rita. Though I was not looking for her, she was looking for me. It was through her Love that I understood Love. She has guided me and gave me strength that is beyond me. To know truth is know her. The real truth is that God brought me through my affliction; He brought me from something to something. So what in West Virginia has he prepared for me for? No matter what seemingly is in front of you, Know this, God has your life planned out. Even if it seems bleak and there is no light at the end of tunnel. From the moment that I had my Motorcycle wreck I have said, “If I only would have not have bought that Bike” But it was through that Motorcycle that God has brought me here. Know this, God does created Calamity in our lives. But he may allow us to spend a season of learning and lessons to bring us to the next place in our life. All to glorify him.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 23:51:54 +0000

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