If you have had a bad experience in church one time in your life- - TopicsExpress


If you have had a bad experience in church one time in your life- does that mean you get to nurse that for the rest of your life? If you have a bad experience with a doctor, does that mean you prefer to die? I see so many people who think church is supposed to produce people who never annoy, who never hurt another, who never fail to be Christ- like. If that was true then you couldnt be a member. Look- I go to church to: worship God with others, hear the Word of God preached and learn to work and play well with others. With others- not just those who treat me the way I think I should be , or what I think is right. With others- those who are working on things like I am and those who arent. The church should: meet my spiritual and physical needs, never be climately uncomfortable- too warm or too cold, use my money the way I say (even thought I dont give a tithe- just a dime here and there), be filled with people who always act like my definition of a Believer, (even though I dont,) never go too long or bore me with Missions Sunday, little kids musicals or teen day, provide what I want to eat and the corresponding condiments and drinks at all situations that have refreshments- keeping in mind my special dietary needs, and should always have my style of music or I cant worship. Looks stupid when written out, doesnt it? If you have had a bad experience with someone who claims to be a Christian, you can cut off your nose to spite your face and let that boil in you. You can keep stirring that over and over and use it as an excuse to paint all Christians, all churches that way. The truth is this-- churches and any other group of people are filled with some who know Christ and are battling the old fleshs desires, and those who dont, and those who are looking for a hurt everywhere. Not discounting your pain, just saying dont let anything deter you from doing your best for Christ. Dont whine, dont let it have control over you, dont keep bringing it up for lost people to see and say why would I want to be a Christian if they have hurts and their own hurt them. Dont bring it up so people become aware and look for it in their lives. Wrap it up- hand it ALL- every crumb, to God and ask Him to heal it. Heal it. Not scab it over- but heal it from the inside out. We are not victims, we are victorious. We are victorious because we have the Master of the Universe as our Father. Build a bridge and get over it for YOUR sake. For you to know peace and to move on with your life. There- hope you feel empowered.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 20:52:59 +0000

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