If you know me then you know I hate Republicans...well, not all - TopicsExpress


If you know me then you know I hate Republicans...well, not all Republicans but definitely their ideology!..For example, if you listen to Fox News or the regular republican pundits like Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Bill OReilly & the rest of their ilk they will tell you that Democrats/Liberals (especially the ones on MSNBC) race bait, Mitt Romney misspoke when he talked about the 47%, the GOP doesnt have a war on women, Barack Obama & Hillary Clinton lied about Benghazi & that theres reason why they are making harder for minorities to vote (fraud or some kinda b.s.) Republicans will tell you how we are losing our freedoms with the Obama presidency..Just listen to Mike Huckabee who said “My gosh, I’m beginning to think that there’s more freedom in North Korea sometimes than there is in the United States,” he continued. “When I go to the airport, I have to get in the surrender position while people put hands all over me. And I have to provide photo ID in a couple of different forms, and prove that I really am not going to terrorize the airplane.” Huckabee added: “But if I want to go vote, I don’t need a thing. All I got to do is show up and I can give them anybody’s name, and that’s okay.(BTW..Mike Huckabee is an ordained Southern Baptist minister so I guess its okay to tell straight out lies & mislead your flock huh?) Mike Huckabee is proud to support Cliven Bundy....dont know who that is? Well, Cliven Bundy is a successful Nevada cattle rancher who has allowed his cattle to trespass & graze on federal land without paying the required fee for 20 years!! Why? Because he doesnt believe in the U.S. Govt or its laws! Imagine not paying the taxes on your house or your income, try not paying your rent. Imagine getting something for nothing..kinda like the 47% Mitt was talking about or maybe like the welfare queens the right loves to talk about..I thought they were against that kinda shit right?? oh yeah, I forgot..the welfare queens & those who abuse the system are ALWAYS indirectly & sometimes directly implied to be people of color..it dont count when the person who is abusing the system is white, right? I guess the GOP never heard of the expression tell the truth & shame the devil huh? or is it just me joining the race-baiters??? SMH
Posted on: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 03:29:31 +0000

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