If you know me then you know I like to thrust my nose into - TopicsExpress


If you know me then you know I like to thrust my nose into trouble. I stopped for gas on the way home and ended up overpaying. When I went back inside there was a could of drunk guys blocking my path to the register. The shorter and more obnoxious of the pair was giving the soft spoken middle eastern gentleman a hard time, knocking over the counter display and basically being a chowder-headed douche canoe, so I lingered, basically because Im nosy and have an inflated view of my ballsiness. When he started in with durka durka and go back to the Taliban I casually spoke up from my perch amongst the chips and suggested that perhaps he left him alone. He spun around to unleash another brilliant witticism and saw that I had perhaps half a foot on him and my I will break my foot shoving it up your ass smile. He eventually agreed to leave after the cashier called the cops, the guys taxi left because he wasnt getting paid enough for this. So outside I go, because, you know, nosy and stupid. So, here we are, me perched on a trash can and grinning, him pacing and snarling. He told me that we were both idiots. I told him at least we could read beyond a third grade level. His response? I can read way beyond a third grade level Me- fourth grade? Him-No! Me- so, yes. Him-go back to Mohammed durka slut Me- spell Mohammed Him-... Me- Ill give you a hint, it starts with an M. The one that looks like an upside down W. Like moron. At this point he told me he would kick my ass. I laughed and beat my chest and told him those were big words for a little man. He left before the cops came and I got a bag of honey roasted cashews out of the deal from the cashier. So, yeah, Im kind of a badass
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 06:50:15 +0000

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