If you know me, you know that I am not one to “toot” my own - TopicsExpress


If you know me, you know that I am not one to “toot” my own horn, however some misinformation has come to light about a recent experience at the Tulsa State fair which does not reflect the true Mark Stevens in a good light. If you have seen me recently you know that I am wearing a finger splint on my right pinky. There has been some question about the circumstances that led to my severely damaged finger and the subsequent disfiguration of my hand. So heres what really happened: On Wednesday, October 1, 2014 while I was working at the Tulsa State fair, I was walking down the midway following a woman who was pushing a baby stroller. As the woman pushed the stroller over an electrical cord that was laying on the ground the metal axle on the stroller made contact with an exposed wire on the electrical cord sending a charge of electricity into the stroller. The woman fell back and screamed from the shock and I noticed smoke coming from the interior of the stroller. Not even thinking about the danger to myself, I immediately ran up to the stroller and saw that a small child was in the stroller and there was smoke coming out of the child. With no concern for my own safety, I reached into the stroller and removed the child, thus receiving an electrical shock that knocked me backwards about 6 feet. I shook off the burning sensations in my hands and feet and attempted to find a pulse on the baby. I realized immediately that the child had been electrocuted and was not breathing. I began performing chest compressions on the child as I had learned in my CPR classes. I continued to give chest compressions for approximately 1 min. while the mother screamed hysterically and yelled for me to “do something”. After approximately 1 min. of CPR the small child projectile vomited on my shirt and began to breathe. Now if youve never seen a small child projectile vomit, I can now swear to you, that the stain that vomitus leaves on your clothing can appear to be the exact outline of a turkey leg and will most definitely smell like barbecue sauce. Totally ignoring the discomfort to myself, I looked down at the child and realized that its mouth was full of vomit. I immediately put my right pinky finger into the childs mouth and swept the vomit from the childs mouth so that the child could breathe normally. As I was sweeping the vomit from the childs mouth the child clamped down with its teeth breaking my finger in seven places and permanently disfiguring the finger. The childs mother screamed for me to return her child to her which I did. Well tears streamed from her face and she gave me a giant hug and started screaming to the crowd that had gathered that, ”This great deputy sheriff just saved my small childs life”. As humble as I am I immediately turned from the area, blended into the crowd, and walked away. As a result of this incident, I have been told to expect to receive the medal of valor, the lifesaving award, and a Purple Heart all as a result of this incident. If you run across my Cpl. Darian Whittaker, and he tells you some cockamamie story about how I jammed my finger shagging basketballs for one of the Carny’s and dropped a turkey leg on my shirt, please consider the source. Cpl. Whittaker is embarrassed that he simply stood around and watched and took no action, while I performed this heroic act. And he will swear to you that he never saw this incident. That shows you just how insensitive he is! Again, the story would have never come out, if not for the fact that certain people around the office had been maligning me, teasing me, harassing me and disrespecting me. The truth must be told.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 16:08:17 +0000

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