If you know the wisdom of the dark night, then you are looking out - TopicsExpress


If you know the wisdom of the dark night, then you are looking out for protection. You’re aware that through this terror, protection will be given. This is the universal testimony. The mystics have gone through this process. It’s the testimony Rumi. It’s the testimony of the great shamans. You are given tremendous divine protection, because as the human is being destroyed, the divine consciousness comes up. So one side of you is being annihilated, but the other side is stronger than ever in the ashes. So great dreams will come and light will become more and more vibrant. The divinity of life will become more and more naked to you. Miracles will take place to protect you. To anybody who comes to this path, the divine is both extremely ferocious and extremely tender. Ferocious to destroy the illusions, but tender to give the human being the courage to hang in there and do the work. The reason so many of us are going through some very, very trying times is because that which doesn’t serve us is falling away… whether the ego kicks and screams about it (and thus, the “terror” of the ego), or whether we surrender to it with grace and ease. What is meant by “that which doesn’t serve us is falling away”? Just that… relationships, home situations, jobs, institutions, governments… you name it! Not only everything that limits us, but also everything that feels comfortable… and prevents us from pressing ahead, from stepping into the Divine greatness each and every one of us has to offer. So many are entrenched and love the drama addiction of the 3D world; the ego-driven part of us, individually and collectively, would rather just continue putting one Band-Aid on top of another because it’s a “known evil” – and the ego rationalizes that a known evil is far more “safe” than the unknown! However, we’ve completed these lessons in separation – and the Band-Aid tower is falling – because we’re done with this level of duality, and so it just doesn’t serve us anymore. So the Higher Selves of all are saying, “YAY! We’re finishing this up! Time to really clean house…
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 12:11:19 +0000

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