If you live in Canada, read this piece pointing to how our - TopicsExpress


If you live in Canada, read this piece pointing to how our government is selling us up to big oil and foreign country interests....your opinion please: Regrettably, I believe that the climate movement in Canada is legally hooped! The proof is in the pudding as indicated by Premier Clarks New West Partnership, Environmental Assessment Equivalency Agreement, and Non Disclosure Agreements with Oil Companies. On face value, it appears that the Premiers tough talk on pipelines has been an impotent and distracting PR smokescreen. Notably, the above are not the only actions taken by Premier Clark to enable carbon companies. She also quietly penned approval of FIPA, and thus the unpopular Investor-to-State Dispute Settlement clause with China. That action severely compromises BCs First Nation, Provincial and Municipal land use governance. FIPA and the other agreements likely supersedes First Nations rights....so much for the distracting sweet talk about treaties! FIPA was ratified by Harper only days before the Northern Gateway was approved...that order of legal standing now ties the hands of all future governments for 30 years. Premier Clarks FIPA support letter below is the icing on the pudding...such sweet reward. Sometime in the future, any government determined to halt the insane carbon annihilation rush, will face fines in the $billions, legally sued by pipeline companies that stand to lose future profit. To add insult to injury, the guilty decision (statistically Canada loses disputes) will be dished out by an arbitrary panel that is outside of the Canadian court system! Overall, it is an expertly woven legal knot designed to favor carbon extraction leading to climate disruption... and it is not easily undone! With such blatant undermining of our constitution, one has to question how these long ranging, debilitating legal commitments could be silently forged on our behalf, without social licence or indepth parliamentary debate by those people elected to serve the PUBLIC interest. Accolades given where accolades deserved - it truly has all been an incredible strategic achievement by the organized neo-conservative reach! commonsensecanadian.ca/premier-clark-supports-canad…/
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 05:14:33 +0000

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