If you live in Grand Forks, Id like to ask you for a - TopicsExpress


If you live in Grand Forks, Id like to ask you for a favor. About 6 months ago, during the course of normal business I met a gentleman named Marcus. I would estimate he is in his mid 60s and is very friendly. He may be one of the nicest people I have ever met. He means well, but talks 100 miles per hour and tells lots of stories, some of which I have heard multiple times in the same conversation. He currently gets up at 3:30am to travel from Larimore to GF to work at a fast food restaurant from 7-11:30 each morning and then goes to work at Red Lobster to be a server from 11:30 - 4pm. As you may know, Red Lobster has gone through a remodel and their business is really slow. Marcus came back to see me today and is really struggling to make ends meet and he still supports his elderly parents. If you enjoy seafood, please consider visiting Red Lobster in Grand Forks for lunch and ask to sit in his section. It would sure mean a lot to him to have some customers right now! He works Monday - Friday. If he does a nice job, which Im sure he will, leave him a tip and tell his boss about it! Please share this post with others locally if you have time. Thank you so much!!!
Posted on: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 23:02:32 +0000

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