If you or someone you know is at risk of harming themselves or - TopicsExpress


If you or someone you know is at risk of harming themselves or someone else it is important you get help immediately. You can take the first step in doing this by: Speaking to your doctor (GP or psychiatrist) Calling the Psychiatric Team at your nearest hospital (refer contact details below) Calling Lifeline 13 11 14 or Suicide Helpline (Victoria only) 1300 651 251 or other crisis line (refer below) If the person is threatening to harm you call the police on 000 (triple zero). Some tips for getting urgent help include: Express the urgency of the matter without becoming aggressive Speak clearly Give the health professional specific examples of concerns Give a brief history of self-harm or harm to others Ensure that you listen to their advice If they are unable to help, ask them why and who you should contact (Reference Beyondblue, beyondblue.org.au/index.aspx?link_id=97#Q5) If the person has already harmed himself/herself call 000 and ask for an ambulance. If you are using a mobile phone, 112 is an alternative emergency number that will connect you to Emergency Services. Further (detailed) information on How to help someone in suicidal crisis is available from suicideline.org.au/How-to-help-someone-in-suicidal-crisis.html Lifeline Access to crisis support, suicide prevention and mental health support services. 13 11 14 lifeline.org.au Suicide call back Service Crisis counselling to people at risk of suicide, carers for someone who is suicidal and those bereaved by suicide. 1300 659 467 suicidecallbackservice.org.au/ Mensline Telephone and online support, information and referral service, advice for men to deal with relationship problems in a practical and effective way. 1300 78 99 78 mensline.org.au Kids HelpLine Free, private and confidential telephone and online counselling service for young people aged between 5 and 25. 1800 55 1800 kidshelp.au SuicideLine VICTORIA ONLY Specialist telephone counselling and information to anyone affected by suicide. 1300 651 251 suicideline.org.au Samaritans Crisis Line Services available to callers both locally and nationally, Samaritans Crisis Line is available 24 hours a day to all individuals, from all walks of life National Toll Free (country areas and outside WA) 1800 198 313 **NOTE: WA residents call Crisis line: 08 9381 5555 Youthline : 08 9388 250 thesamaritans.org.au/ Veterans Line Provides after hours professional telephone crisis counseling for veterans and their families 1800 011 046 vvaa.org.au/vvcs.htm Salvation Army (Sydney Metro) Crisis Line (02) 8736 3295 Counseling Line (02) 8736 3292 salvos.org.au/salvocareline/ Salvation Army (Brisbane Metro) Counseling/Crisis Line (07) 3831 9016 salvos.org.au/sclqld/ Salvation Army (Regional NSW, Qld & ACT) Counseling Line 1300 36 36 22 salvos.org.au/sclqld/ Salvo Youth Line (Sydney) (02) 8736 3293 salvos.org.au/salvocareline/ Samaritans Lifelink (Tasmania) Country callers 1300 364 566 Metro callers 03 6331 3355 24 Hours, 7 Days samaritanstasmania.org.au/index.html State Governenmt Mental Health Services Australian Capital Territory Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team 1800 629 354 Refer website for further info health.act.gov.au/c/health?a=sp&did=10050411 NSW NSW Health Mental Health Services 1800 011 511 NSW Rural Mental Health Support 1800 201 123 Refer website for further info www0.health.nsw.gov.au/mhdao/contact_service.asp#para_1 Victoria Victorian Area Mental Health Services (AMHS) triage Refer website for area based emergency triage numbers 24 hours/7 days health.vic.gov.au/mentalhealth/services/index.htm QLD Queensland Government Mental Health 13 43 25 84 Refer website for further info health.qld.gov.au/mentalhealth/ WA Government of WA Mental Health Commission Metro 1300 555 788 Peel 1800 676 822 Rural/remote after hours 1800 552 002 Refer website for further info mentalhealth.wa.gov.au/getting_help/Emergency_help.aspx SA SA Mental Health Triage 13 14 65 Refer website for further information sahealth.sa.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/Public+Content/SA+Health+Internet/Health+services/Mental+health+services/ For a complete Listing all SA govt MH units & teams: adelaide.edu.au/library/guide/med/menthealth/mentadd.html NT Northern Territory Crisis Assessment Telephone Triage and Liaison Service 1800 682 288 NT Crisis Counseling Line 1800 019 116 Refer website for further information health.nt.gov.au/Hotlines_and_Helplines/Mental_Health_Support/index.aspx TAS The Department of Health and Human Services (Tasmania) 1800 332 388 Refer website for more information dhhs.tas.gov.au/mentalhealth
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 02:16:06 +0000

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