If you plan on supporting billary in the next election, UNFRIEND - TopicsExpress


If you plan on supporting billary in the next election, UNFRIEND me now. Because I will continuously remind you of Benghazi and her FAKE CONCUSSION!! E-V-I-L souls watched this man being murdered & dragged through the street while they abused his dead body! Heartless. She has been involved with way too much, since the Gerald Ford administration! EDUCATE YOURSELF! Its not about Democrats & Republicans anymore. Its about whether or not you LOVE THIS COUNTRY or youre alright with your FREEDOMS here, all being taken away! Please delete yourself if you support these fascist, heartless politicians! Read Revelation! Those beasts are easily identifiable...they werent when I was a child! They are preying on the vulnerable & the easily led followers...promoting hate, racism, violence & an overall disastrous imploding of America! JESUS is Sooooo close! Stand strongly by HIM, even though beheadings have begun. IT IS ALL WRITTEN PEOPLE!! Just not happening as you may have imagined it! There are places in THIS country most are oblivious about. Slowly being prepped for what is coming. ARE YOU TRULY PREPARED? Call me crazy. Im not concerned with your opinions. But I do read my Bible, and I DO read & educate myself. Im responsible for two young daughters! Look around you. ACCEPTANCE of so many things going wrong, is complacency. Look at the next generation that will BE in government, controlling OUR futures! Scary. J/S get RIGHT (with OUR FATHER) or get left (behind)! I cannot be any more clear. I am eliminating the negative, mean, angry, even racist, haters and those who are heartless when it comes to CHILDREN, ANIMALS, the ELDERLY, & the HOMELESS (or those in NEED)! I took in people who needed a place to stay. Chastised by some so-called Christians for doing so. GOD KNOWS MY HEART! Im NOT the same person anymore. I am one who truly REALIZES that theyre NOT digging a huge hole for my burial because I expect a U-Haul to be carrying my material possessions to my grave! All of you out there trying to impress other PEOPLE? Sad amount of fake or nouveau-riche, believing that SUCCESS comes from money. Fighting to have that car, living in that neighborhood so your kids can go to that school??? Producing spoiled little brats who dont even know how to wash their own clothes! Fighting to send them to college, but they have to be taught how to study, because theyre programmed now with this STUPID common core. SLOWING THEM DOWN! Teaching them about ISLAM & Muslims! Yet punished for saying a PRAYER before a game??? Common Core is producing COMMON KIDS! Period. I personally hate what is happening. By homeschooling I can keep JESUS CHRIST in my childrens daily lives. The anger, the pettiness, the cattiness, cyber bullying, bullying in general, MEAN parents & MEAN children....it is a DAILY problem for Rebekah. The saddest part is the MOMS that are most involved WITHIN the schools? Most are the biggest gossips & troublemakers! TOO involved with the treatment of our children! One girl flat out told Rebekah I hate you, youre just too perfect! That girls mother? Substitute at Elementary & Jr Hi! Mean, mean, mean! And they all sit together for programs & such. I am sooooo intolerant now! One actually leaned back to gossip about me as I stared her straight in her face! Then told her, keep gossiping about me! She put her eyes down, busted! How cute! People who KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME FROM BEING A PART OF MY LIFE do the most gossiping? Miserable people. Again, eliminated. I have NEEDED the love & support of people I considered my friends. Christian friends. We are caring daily for a very tired 98 yr old grandmother. I sleep there a few nights, & stay days for my mother to get stuff done. Im trying to get Gabrielle homeschooled & find online work in order to do all of this. I am HUMAN. I am ONE person. David died the year before Gabrielle fell & got cancer. She barely grieved his death; then BOTH dogs being killed; then were residents in the Chemo ward of CHNOLA! Get a clue! Its FAR FROM OVER people! This is for the REST OF HER LIFE! Her actions due to chemo brain are BEYOND frustrating, even annoying at times because THIS IS NOT MY GABRIELLE! Rebekah was separated from us because siblings could not spend the night. The battle now for all of my attention is also difficult. Then add hormones to the mix! Despite whatever it is you gossiping people think, its NOT OK! Its NOT over because her tumor was removed! Life just doesnt continue on as normal, especially when no one knows how to just TALK TO US, anymore! They have NO CLUE! I can hold in the hurt only so long. When my CHILDREN are affected by the ignorance of the parents of these kids? Then I boil. Boil over. I am so intolerant of the MEAN, the PETTY, & for some odd reason, the JEALOUS! Poor Rebekah is catching it because shes smart, sweet, popular & beautiful! Sigh! God help me! I encourage her to BE SILLY, BE HERSELF, BE 11, not 16! But the hateful things these girls say to each other, and pulling girls from one clique to another, because they dislike one? Or theyre not in the same class? Kids need to BE KIDS! And stop mimicking their parents behavior. I lost it on Gabrielles friends mother & sister! They threatened her, left voice message & texts as PROOF, and showed up at our door! Because of me & my fierce protective mode! (And mouth)! The girls are friends, but only on the phone. But if the family comes near our property, they deal with police! Really? So Gabrielle is home alone. Lovely. So much that were frustrated. Homeschool field trips & new friends will hopefully be the answer. I am dealing with this DAY TO DAY! We are FOREVER changed. We learned the hardest of ways, about PEOPLE! I had a handful of people that even offered to visit or help. THANK YOU SINCERELY! I couldnt leave Gabrielle. So I abandoned my business. I had to. Do not judge what OTHER PEOPLE say about me! They were NOT a part of this roller coaster ride, & DO NOT KNOW me! All of you have grown to know the REAL me because of FB! I wish all of YOU lived right here, because we ALL need to spend time together, OFF of here! You helped me to get through the worst times these past couple of years! Not the people whom I was there for, or those I had hoped would be there. So I hope you can get past my rants. I do talk to a counselor. Thats not enough. I need you guys. I simply cannot keep all of this inside of me. I am drained. I try to uplift you guys, but the real world invades it. Educate yourself. Stop being a media zombie & believing only what they tell you! 2015 just HAS to be better for us. And I AM serious about deleting me. I value each persons right to their OWN opinions. But Im sick of the negative, hate-filled, racist remarks. Dont clump me in a group of slave owning KKK people. I HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT SO STOP BLAMING ME! I am a conservative, Christian, Southern, gun-owning, Saints loving PROUD AMERICAN who is tracing her genealogy to KNOW our bloodline. if you dont like what I post on MY page? Dont read it, DELETE ME. If you dont like me, stop trolling my page to have something to gossip about! If you are not an ACTIVE part of my life or my childrens, either on here or in person, I will be deleting you! If youre a DIEHARD SAINTS FAN, but dont like my other posts, its left up to you. But if you dont actively respond or communicate? I will have to delete you. I miss A LOT OF FEED because of the dead weight. Sorry. GOD is guiding my life. I have to eliminate the haters & the negativity. Happy New Year, hope to see you on the other side of all of this chaos, because I need POSITIVE, HAPPY, LOVING, CARING people around us. 🙏❤️😷🙏❤️😷🙏❤️😷
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 18:42:36 +0000

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