If you read one thing this week - try this article. I no - TopicsExpress


If you read one thing this week - try this article. I no longer feel like Im alone in despairing at the way modern young men portray themselves. We are living in an era of change for blokes. I have been regularly told Im old fashioned, most often in a deprecating way. I agree I belong in an age where biting your nails and saving money for repairing your bike / car were the norm. New clothes werent essential to me but dont get me wrong I had some decent clobber to go out in but my life didnt revolve around it. I would never consider moisturising and make-up was only worn by clowns and New Romantics, one was working the other was making a style statement. Both absolutley fine with me. If it broke, I would try an fix it and if it couldnt be fixed well I would try and find someone who could. Maybe thats why I still struggle to throw things away as I always see an inherent value in them. But the world is a changing place for Men. The other day I went and fixed the brakes on a push bike for a lad with a bit of gentle work with some pliers they were as good as new. When I handed the bike back the lad asked How did you know you could fix it? It made me realise that in this day and age the confidence to have a go at something is on the wain. OK Im sounding like a broken record I know, but my point is we are letting this happen. We are not engaging with the kids and showing them how to do things and to be fair to them there are many more pleasurable distractions now than to crawl under a car and undo a sump nut in the depths of winter. So now when I see them walking around with their jeans pulled down and underpants on show I realise theres no point in pulling them up anymore, because frankly without our help in their lives to show them how to do stuff, we have all effectively pulled them down in the first place. OK, rant over - Im off out to deliver beer. Have a good day folks.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 11:25:43 +0000

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