If you really want to hear from God — and what believer - TopicsExpress


If you really want to hear from God — and what believer doesn’t? — you have to understand what is keeping you from hearing from God. There are three mental barriers that keep your mind closed to God’s message. 1.Pride. If you think you don’t need God in your life and want to handle things yourself, you’re probably not listening for God to speak. Pride keeps you from being open to the possibility that God might want to say something to you. 2.Fear. A lot of people can’t hear God speak because they’re afraid to hear God speak. Maybe you think that hearing God’s voice makes you some kind of religious fanatic. 3.Bitterness. When you hold on to hurt, resentment, or a grudge, then you’re not going to be able to hear God, because your heart is hardened. It has grown cold and made you defensive, even to God’s love. Pastor Rick Warren
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 16:10:27 +0000

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