If you remember Steve Jobs was fired from his own company and - TopicsExpress


If you remember Steve Jobs was fired from his own company and while he was away from Apple it fell apart. Steve built a company called Pixar that produced Toy Story at the same time he created Pixar he created computer and operating system company that never really made it into the mass market. Lucky for Steve Jobs midstream his attack to build another company to rival Apple he was offered control of operating the company. Steve accepted the offer and went to work on apple. At the time Steve took over he was left with only 2 months of operating money and a failing company. At the helm Steve gutted the company which included firing more then half of the staff and borrowing money from Microsoft. Steve was a genius in understanding the larger picture connected to a product world. Steve understood how to unwind your mind into believing you were buying a superior product and he went down to packaging and a culture of simple and less is better. Its been fun to love this man and not because of his money or glory its because I know he started his life adopted and from nothing. Our modern day Einstein but without the brains and more intuitive knowledge with physical and marketing practicality of the humans connection to devices. I wanted to meet Steve Jobs so when he died or when I see him talk on video sometimes I get emotional. Not sure why; not many humans can talk and make me feel so inspired and sad at the same time. I plan to use the knowledge he has shared with me and I have consumed to be different myself. This video is Steve Jobs commencement back from the dead and when the fire started for the Apple we see today. This marketing talk to his staff is the icing on the cake for Apple and they dont even know it yet. If you care about business and marketing or you do photo shop work. This talk is all they should be teaching at college level education. Its raw beauty to see Steve tired as hell from working until late am so he can wake and share his passion with his new Apple team. If you will notice he is talking to the new leaders of apple in a kinda non formal pitch of marketing campaign he gave nobody s option to argue about. A small team with Steve as the dictator finished a national marking campaign with nothing but brains and computers. Life is simple if you dont try to think complicated. If you learn anything from my big long shitty grammar jibbrr jabber. ...you know that Apple was built with minds just like you and I. Steve was not a programmer and he did not create much of anything. He learned to leverage others minds and bring the team and visions together. Anyone can do that. Find someone interested in the same goals as you and make them your team member or best friend. Anyone can be Different.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 14:04:43 +0000

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