If you sit down, take the time and really think about... MONEY, - TopicsExpress


If you sit down, take the time and really think about... MONEY, controls your life. It is based on every single second of every day, going around the globe of tons of different styles of currency. You need it to live, you need it to survive, you need it to enjoy life to go out and do things you love to do. When I hear people talk of money, it is always negative. It is always something that does not want to be brought up in a normal conversation. WHY? Because 98% of the world is broke and people get TIMID over money. I remember when I was younger I would see someone with a nice car, or they just paid with a $100 bill for something that only costed $15. I would think to myself why is that guy so lucky? What makes him so special? What makes the rich man rich? WHY do I feel ANGRY when money is brought up? Its such a touchy subject. WHY else? People are competitors, people have egos. Especially men. Especially women. We all do. The money topic is brought up, people get silent, get irritated, are ashamed because they feel left out and dont have a dollar in their pocket. Has this happened to you? Do you feel this way when money is brought up? Or do you feel fine with it? Do you look at other successful people and think, gosh hes just Lucky. He just fell into a good job by luck, got promoted by luck, made his first $30,000 month by luck, and is now the head of a corporation, all by luck. Does that sound right? If you were to tell the man in charge of the corporation he got there because he was lucky he would laugh at you like a fool. The dollar goes into every single thing that you see here on earth. Skyscrapers Technology Health and fitness etc EVERYTHING that you see... Someone had to come to the decision where this paper bill will run your whole life. Its called The System. (Or the matrix) Now thinking on logical terms of independency... DOES money HAVE to control your life? Have you asked yourself that? NO. You may be thinking.. no of course not i dont LOVE money and it certainly doesnt control what I do OR you may be thinking... Money is the root of all evil the more you have the more evil you are, no one can be happy with money. People say they are happy being broke. Which is fine. But what type of happiness consists of never being able to do anything and staying confined where you are in your life? Not being able to give to others with the money that you have and can get? Not being able to take your family anywhere they desire. Not being able to support yourself and cause a life of frustration which leads to a life of destruction. You may be thinking I get it. Have you asked yourself this question... Instead of me working for money, how can i make money work for me? How can I completely turn the table, and have money do WORK for me, instead of ME putting in hard earned LIFE to make just enough to get by using the current system. The system we are in now, is not even giving you the slightest clue on how to make money work for you except for 401ks, CDs, savings, other bs that tells what return you will have by putting your money into a building and having it sit there for 50 years. Why are they telling you to save it? Why are they giving you all these good sounding deals to where if you put your money here, or put your money here, and leave it there, we will pay you back later when your 60 years old or later and you can enjoy life then. By that time you have suffered from lung cancer, have gone from job to job and struggled meaning you having to pull that money out again which depreciates the interest you will gain when your 60, by that time you NOW can live your dreams with the money that will only really last you about 5 years. Why are those people that did receive their investments become broke not long after? Money management. Money dependency. The system. Depending on the system for all our money management needs. Not learning by spending. Not learning to maintain wealth or a lot of money at once, or thinking, that what is saved will be enough, because that is how the system makes us think. Are you the type to congratulate someone on their earnings of being wealthy? Or the one who turns the cold shoulder when you see their possessions? Or unconsciously do you feel like they just may know something that you dont? When you know for a fact that they are no better than you, and that they have learned to master the system by mastering money and by not letting it control them. Is that where our anger comes from? Understanding? Us just not being able to understand? I believe by spending money, (on useful things) you gain wisdom. You can either spend it on something educational, spend it by GIVING it to someone who has very little, spend it on what will lift you up and have you thinking positive, and gain wisdom from that. By spending my money and gaining wisdom I feel that it has helped me find more knowledge in just the importance of it and how I should control it let it not control me. Let it not control your emotions, your actions, OR your thoughts by thinking that it is ALL that matters in life. When you spend and give freely, you will definitely find aide in someone giving it back to you. Either in work that you do for that person, or by them simply lending you a hand in whatever way God chooses for them to give to you. Whatever you give, you will get back. I believe money can be conceived as a bad thing, or a good thing. A person can use money for bad negative purposes which can cause many people to go into turmoil with their lives as well as the initial starter who influenced others of how to use it, or a person can use it for the better of man kind and help hundreds of thousands of people to create better lives for many to live their dreams as well. At the end of the day when all is said is done. Do you understand money? How do you understand it? Does it control you? Or do you control IT? Money is not the root of all evil, but the LOVE for money is the root of all evil, and if your goal is money and only money, you will never truly find success. Success is only given by definite purpose. Money as a definite purpose is a negative fulfilling goal. What do you think? Leave your thoughts and comments below.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 22:55:18 +0000

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