If you still support the idea that the Palestinians are nothing - TopicsExpress


If you still support the idea that the Palestinians are nothing more than victims, and continue to blame the Jews for everything, you have absolutely no credibility left. Israel accepted a one-sided cease fire, that wasnt to their benefit, and Hamas thumbed their noses at it and continued firing rockets while using women and children as human shields. If you claim to support the non aggression principal, you need to understand that its a two-way street, and that aggression is met with aggression. And if you truly believe that the Jews have no justification to defend themselves, and that Israel is one big occupied territory, just admit youre an anti-semite, and stop pretending otherwise. I see nothing but talk about the Palestinian victims of the air strikes, but no one wants to talk about the three Jewish boys, who were murdered in cold-blood, that started this crisis to begin with. No one wants to talk about the rockets raining down on Jewish women and children. Once again, the Palestinians start a fire, and the Jews get blamed. There is nothing new under the sun. I hope to God that the Israelis roll into Gaza, wipe out every single member of Hamas, and stop worrying about world opinion. The world will hate the Jews whether or not they choose to defend themselves. Theyll receive no praise for showing restraint. Hamas demise is good for Israel, its good for the Palestinians, and its good for the world. Everybody wins when Hamas is driven into the dirt. I dont believe in starting a war, but Ill be damned if I dont believe in finishing one. Hamas deserves whats coming to them, and I only hope that the Israelis finally have the fortitude to deliver it.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 14:30:11 +0000

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