If you study the History of Muslims, one of the things you learn - TopicsExpress


If you study the History of Muslims, one of the things you learn about is the Islamic Calendar. You learn that it starts at the migration of Muslims from Mecca to Medina as a means of them escaping persecution. Question that comes up sometimes is how did they decide on which month would be the start of the new year. #ArtofConnection Some of the people advocated for the month of Ramadan since its the holiest month for Muslims. But, Uthman ibn Affan, one of the companions of the prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, suggested that it should be the month of Muharram, because it following the month of Hajj. The hajj, for those who participate in it, coming out of it is like being a new born baby, free of sins and past mistakes. A new life for the individual. Why not make the new year a new life for everyone. For the next 12 months, whats the commitment youre going to make. What do you aspire to accomplish in the the next year? Coincidentally, Ramadan is just over 6-months away. Lets make that the mid-way point for whatever you wish to do. It may be a good idea to involve the community in whatever you wish to do. Referring to the previous Art of Connection, think about the four major types of relationships. How will you add value to the community and society around you. One of the leading causes of suicide is people feeling lonely. The reality of living a shallow social life is exacerbated due to social media, where connections dont typically go deep at all. Dont wait for folks, make an attempt and reach out. Make it a commitment this year to add value to peoples lives.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 21:33:42 +0000

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