If you take the time to look it up, you wont find any Tea Party in - TopicsExpress


If you take the time to look it up, you wont find any Tea Party in the tee party. Revisionist historians have been a central component of many conservative arguments, past and present. Whether it was the dehumanizing of slaves in the Constitution (3/5 of a person, by slave-owner math) the denial of scientific realities like evolution and climate change, the would-be-disastrous consequences of women voting, the reason for Confederate secession (not slavery, but the 10th amendment states rights...to own people), the cumulative effects of tax increases on the wealthy (JOB-KILLERS!), trickle-down economics, organized labor, the minimum wage, the Christian-ness of the founding fathers, the realities of social assistance programs, up to and including the most ridiculous and extreme, like the denial of the Holocaust. Also: Ronald Reagans demonizing of the Chicago Welfare Queen as all the evidence you need to scrap welfare and food stamps. Mob ties to organized labor (Jimmy Hoffa! Jimmy Hoffa!) High premiums for ANYBODY as a reason to scrap ObamaCare, etc... ...And here is why I refer to that plucky group of independent conservative, self-proclaimed patriots as the TEE Party, because they bear a greater resemblance to a tiny wooden stick with a plastic ball for a head than they do the heroes of the American Revolution, protesting a tax break for the East India Company, the corporate scourge of our nations infancy. The Boston Tea Party was about standing up to state-sponsored corporate oppression, while the Tee Party movement is the puppet theater of corporate America. I have nothing against independent study. I have nothing against an argument. What I do insist upon is some level of factual verification for an allegation, not a handful of ludicrous, anecdotal, Michele Bachmann-esque I know a guy who said... evidence. Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-NY) said Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts. Glenn Beck claimed to have taught himself about the evils of all-things-government-spending at the public library. Hey, Glenn! The government BUILT the friggin LIBRARY!!!
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 12:09:04 +0000

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