If you think I shouldnt have fun on facebook,tell me what you - TopicsExpress


If you think I shouldnt have fun on facebook,tell me what you think I should be doing.One day,I will die. I dont know under what circumstance,but I will die one day. Whether on my bed,on the road,in the air,in the water,anyhow I will die. Then someone will come to facebook& write something that will end with RIP (Prince) Paul Okah. You probably wont be online that day to read of my death. You might be busy in your office,on the road or with a woman. It may take days or even weeks before you learn of my death. Then I will be lying in the morgue,drowned,burnt to ashes...just anyhow. And if eventuallly I died at an old age&on my bed,with children and grand children,I will be freezing in the morgue while my family make plans for my burial.Those I have/had association with would be consulted/notified of my death and impending burial. Some may even contribute paltry sums to take care of some important things. Then when all arrangements must have been concluded,everybody would be looking forward to the date established by my family. A wake will be kept in my honour. People would gather in my compound. Some would struggle over food,cigarettes,drinks,etc, while I would be resting in the morgue. Some may even steal some items belonging to those who came to honour my memory. Some naughty boys&girls may even use my wakekeep as an opportunity to make love. They would be ravaging themselves while I lie supine in the morgue,dead to the world. A pressed boy may even ignore the use of a condom&shoot a seed inside the girl,and another baby would be on the way...while I let the morgue attendants use my body anyhow. My relations would have visitors. Some would come to eat,drink&be merry...while others would mean business.Then in the wee hours,activities would start taking place for my final journey back to my Creator. If eventually I have a son,he would be at the helm of affairs,restless&making sure that his father is buried successfully. Money would be no problem.Others would be bidding their time to share my properties after my soul has been finally reposed. When it is the right time,my casket would be taken to the morgue&the attendants would dress me in my best robe. Who the hell imagines the dead know where they are&what they wear? Some chemicals would be applied to my stiffened body& care taken that I appear good to anyone looking at my lifeless body in my casket. The casket may be worth thousands,but why the hell should I care? It may be made of glass or wood,but would I be alive to appreciate it? I would be lying lifeless in my future home&guests would make fuses&grumble about one thing or the other. While I would be lying lifeless to the world,people would be discussing about me. Some would say I was once this or that,but I wouldnt hear them. A pastor or a reverend father would officiate in my burial ceremony. When he thinks its time,he would call for my burial. People would walk round my corpse&pretend to see me for the last time. Knowing women,my wife (if I died before her) or daughter (if I had one) would cry to high heavens®ret why I died at that particular time. But my ears would be shut to them. Then some undertakers would take charge,close my casket& proceed to my grave side with me. Others would follow in front or lead the way. When they arrive,the religious man/men in charge would call for the blessing of my grave& others would say a prayer. Some may close their eyes,while others would be looking to see whatever. Then some guys,trying to please my people&others present would jump into my grave&the casket containing my body would be handed over to them. Once my body hits ground,they would be helped up&out of the grave. Then prayers would be said&sand poured into my grave by friends&family. I might have quarrelled with them,had issues with them,but I was now dead. Some might be happy while others would be sad. Finally,my grave would be filled with the exhumed earth& the casket containing my smelling body covered with sand. Or,on the other hand,my cemented grave would be covered. Then people would disperse. They would agree they have done their duty by me&then leave me to attend to other important business. One man gone from the world,life continues. Then my business with worms would start all over again. All sets of animals would visit me. Worms would eat up the beautiful casket I was buried in&then start on my body. My eyes would go. Hair,legs,mouth,etc would go. Even my penis,the pride of many women would diminish.Years later,I would be forgoten by those who knew me. Its just a matter of time and we shall all die!
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 15:35:34 +0000

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