If you think Labour is the answer then next year we will be - TopicsExpress


If you think Labour is the answer then next year we will be sitting here doing very similar to what we are now. The same corruption will exist, the same corporations will still control things, the expenses will still be fiddled and the poor will still pay. Labour is not the party of old, its not full of working class like Skinner and McDonnell, it is full of snakes like Ed Balls and Rachel Reeves, who intends to force unemployed into vacancies or stop their welfare altogether. Labour is not the panacea if there is one. We need to change the system, remove the corporations from Government, remove the politicians that have seats on the board, remove the influence of everything except the people. Scotland has a chance to do these things - we dont and revolution is a pipe dream and altogether a lot more bloody than people would like to think. Love, light and peace although very nice wont achieve it and being socialist minded and caring unlikely to bring it. So were stuck here with this corrupt system, corrupt politicians and no one we really want to put into power. No one who will build the new houses necessary, raise wages so people do not rely on tax payer handouts to subsidise their employers and landlords. Were stuck in a downward spiral, where disabled people suffer because they are seen as unproductive in financial terms. Were stuck where more will become unemployed, another unworthy liability to the tax payer. You can vote Green and they may get a few seats but not enough to make a difference. A lot of old Labour voters feel betrayed by Miliband and intend to vote UKIP convinced by the rhetoric of the media that immigrants are to blame. Thats the worse scenario isnt it a coalition of Tory and UKIP...in fact a hard right Tory party. Then it will be forget Human Rights, the European Courts, welfare or disability - it will be work or die......I didnt get where I am today....A little starvation and a good thrashing didnt hurt me. Were up the creek without a paddle. There simply isnt enough of us and even we are split, few know how to actually disagree but still get along and work together, its all about pride and ego. Having the final word, convincing the most people you are the truth. I learnt to kiss and make up before bed long ago, I dont mind people thinking Im wrong cos sometimes I am or Im unable to explain properly....anyway I digress. What are we going to do ? We could all move to Scotland after they vote yes and help build a better system, a better land but somehow I think wed take half the problems with us in the form of paranoia....boy theres a lot of that about. What do I suggest ? Pull your lover close, feel how warm they are, tell them you love them and go and make love, gently.........beyond that I dont have a clue but itll help you forget if just for a while.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 20:49:39 +0000

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