If you think President Obama is here to eulogize Mahatma Gandhi, - TopicsExpress


If you think President Obama is here to eulogize Mahatma Gandhi, to take pride in Indias Republic Day celebrations, to genuinely serve Indian interests, to take selfies in front of Taj Mahal or simply to enjoy sipping tea with our Chaiwala PM who is eager to sell Indias farmers and defence interests to another corporate agent, President Obama. Forget about food, clothing, shelter, jobs, health, education to all those millions of needy Indians or Americans. At least we/government can have more arms to kill fellow people easily, just like they are doing in America- wives killing husbands, kids killing parents, students killing teachers, neighbors killing neighbors with those easily accessible guns in search of elusive peace and security. All in the name of national security and the war on terror for the publics consumption. @ Hail Corporatism- Wither democracies. ------------- Follow the money. To say that the Obama brands visit to India is about establishing stronger economic ties between the US and India is a monstrous understatement. After ironing out strained relations over Indian farm subsidies in WTO trade talks, both nations seem eager to press forward in expanding trade and expediting American investments in India. Never mind if WTO mandates could potentially hurt farmers and worsen poverty and hasten food insecurity in India – all of which were the Modi governments concerns when balking at implementing the full WTO program initially. Even if Modi successfully works around WTO compliance issues and still manages to provide adequate subsidies to Indian farmers, its worth noting a UN report in 2011 which called out WTO policies for harming small-scale famers in poor countries. Follow the guns. At some point, perhaps when Obama and Modi are seated together and watching the procession of tanks rolling down Rajpath during the Republic Day parade, both leaders will likely discuss extending the Defence Cooperation Agreement for another ten years. Or the pending sales of military hardware from US companies like Boeing and Ratheon seeking to offload Apache attack helicopters and Javelin anti-tank missiles to the Indian government. This is striking in that just before Obama came to power there were no US military sales to India in 2008. But that all changed with a boon of military hardware orders to the tune of $8 billion in that same year. Companies like Boeing, Ratheon, and Lockheed Martin lined up to cash in on Indias plan to spend $100 billion to upgrade its largely outdated Soviet era military arsenal over the next decade. All in the name of national security and the war on terror for the publics consumption. But realistically, when we follow the money, its all about profits and protecting the pyramid scheme which benefits but a few thousand people out of hundreds of millions. Obama isnt visiting India to sample Nihari or to snap selfies in front of the Taj Mahal. He comes backed by Wall Street cash and a stash of military weaponry looking to recruit a few more gangsters into the fold of his mafia state. Its really that simple.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 11:59:00 +0000

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