If you think an Israeli Jewish life automatically has more value - TopicsExpress


If you think an Israeli Jewish life automatically has more value than a Palestinian one; if you listen to nothing but what Israeli public relations people tell you; if you wont even listen to dissenting Jewish voices in Israel; if you can look away from the enormous slaughter in Gaza and rationalize why it is necessary; if you are sure Hamas rockets are in schools where people are (they were in some schools empty of people for the summer), if you think suddenly the utterly unreliable Hamas rockets hit the UN facilities for displaced Palestinians -- over and over with great precision -- rather than the high tech Israeli ones -- and you consider me a monster for disputing the illogic of your position, dont try to friend me. You really cant educate me -- the world and the evidence is doing that. If you want to friend me to change my mind, dont. If you want to curse me out because I wont agree with you, dont be in touch. I am immune. I have heard it before. I have dear friends who disagree with me, and I hope we all can do right, and I pray to keep those dear friends. But you folks trolling around, wanting to punish and insult a Jew who doesnt agree with you? Just go away. There is real work to be done in the world, and you arent doing it. FB isnt letting me copy and paste... but listen to Democracy Now! today -- hear Christopher Gunness talk about the evidence against those rockets being Hamas rockets, and showing them to be Israeli missiles. He makes no accusation but demands as investigation, as 150,000 Palestinians are trying to take refuge at UN facilities and are ALL at risk, as are the relief workers themselves.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 18:51:39 +0000

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