If you think that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are here race - TopicsExpress


If you think that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are here race bating, if you think they are riling up the black community, if you think they are making inflammatory statements, GO READ A FRICKING NEWS ARTICLE, and stop listening to things people are telling you. Find out for yourself, do your own research, stop being lazy and make an effort to inform yourself, rather than relying on other peoples opinions. PLEASE, also make an effort to evaluate the sources you are using. Not all sources are equal, and on the internet, bad sources are the norm. Here are some links that will help with that: bcs.bedfordstmartins/resdoc5e/tips-for-evaluating-sources.htm usg.edu/galileo/skills/unit09/ lib.berkeley.edu/TeachingLib/Guides/Internet/Evaluate.html olinuris.library.cornell.edu/ref/research/webcrit.html I have read every local news account published about what Revs. Jackson & Sharpton are saying in St. Louis, and they have not said ONE inflammatory thing. They are not riling up the community. They are preaching PEACE. If you think they are a problem, thats a strong indication to me that your beliefs are clouding your vision and that you are a problem. Get over your prejudices, and try reading about what they are actually DOING, rather than relying on hearsay and bullshit.These men are here to try and keep the peace, as is that other Big Bad Wolf, the New Black Panthers. The leader of the NBP here was walking around for hours last night, talking to angry young men, trying to get them to go home before the curfew in Ferguson. Hes a GOOD GUY, as are Sharpton and Jackson. If you think differently about what they are doing in St. Louis, you are dead wrong. I struggle with prejudice myself. I have often caught myself thinking things about people of other races that are stereotypical and unfair. Nobody is perfect, and as the dominant race in this society, we white folks have been taught to do things like that. The key is paying attention to your own thoughts, and making an effort to CORRECT them when you know they are wrong. If you are making a knee-jerk reaction or judgment about a young black man because his pants are worn low and his underwear is showing, and you think that makes him a thug--check yourself. It doesnt. It makes him a fan of hip hop fashion. Again, I have caught myself doing these things as well, but in order to advance our society, and overcome our race issues, as a people, we have to become aware of these thoughts, and attempt to overcome them. Reveling in ignorance is not good for anyone in this society, us included. So tired of seeing faintly veiled racist BS in my feed. We are better than this, people. Act like it.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 00:24:10 +0000

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