If you thought Paul Ryans comments at CPAC last weekend were bad, - TopicsExpress


If you thought Paul Ryans comments at CPAC last weekend were bad, when he basically said that parents whose kids qualify for free school lunches dont care about their kids (see below), hold on to your hat because hes back with another gem: now Paul Ryan is blaming the poverty epidemic on lazy inner city men. With this kind of coded racism on display, Paul Ryan could fit right in with some of Scott Walkers aides. But no, this guy is in Congress, writing budgets that actually contribute to the poverty epidemic by slashing food assistance and voting against critical anti-poverty measures like an increase in the minimum wage and the extension of unemployment benefits. Take a stand against Paul Ryans dangerous cuts to our social safety net -- and his offensive rhetoric -- by adding your name to our petition today. Thanks, Julie -----Forwarded message----- From: Melissa Baldauff SUBJ: 358,775 kids... To: Julie Benkoske Julie -- That’s how many kids in Wisconsin public schools are eligible for free or reduced lunch right now – nearly 50% of the school population. In the face of a sluggish economic recovery, declining wages, and prolonged unemployment, providing nutritious meals to help needy kids succeed in school and in life seems like a no-brainer. But at the Conservative Political Action Conference last weekend, Wisconsin’s very own Paul Ryan shared a plagiarized story about a poor young student to make the point that subsidizing school lunches for low income families leaves children with empty souls and a lack of dignity. We need to respond -- and fast! Join the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Rob Zerban for Congress, and Kelly Westlund for Congress in sending a clear message to Paul Ryan that its wrong to cut food assistance for our nations most vulnerable citizens: Add your name to help us get 50,000 signatures by Friday at lunchtime. Paul Ryan’s comments are offensive and awful on their own, but when you stop and think about the fact that this is the guy who wrote the Republicans’ budget – the document that defined their values – they’re even worse. Because Paul Ryan’s budget didn’t just end Medicare as we know it and hand healthcare back over to big insurance companies: it slashed funding for food assistance for children, infants, pregnant women, and needy families by more than $125 million. Enough is enough. We need to send Paul Ryan and his Republican Party a message that we won’t stand for their dangerous cuts to our social safety net. Can you add your name to our petition today? Thanks, Melissa Authorized and Paid for by The Democratic Party of Wisconsin. Michael J. Tate, Chair
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 06:11:18 +0000

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