If you want success seek wisdom! Say, Are those who know and - TopicsExpress


If you want success seek wisdom! Say, Are those who know and those who do not know equal? - Say, Are those who know and those who do not know equal? Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) stressed the importance of wisdom and urged everyone to seek it. He compared wisdom with worship of Allah s.w.t and more. It is narrated that prophet Muhammad said: those who seek knowledge, their path to paradise would be made easy. Therefore, seek knowledge and allow true success to be yours. What is wisdom? Wisdom is the application of knowledge. It is knowing how to apply information in various ways. A wise person has information and knows how to apply that information to benefit himself and others. However, an unwise person has information but it is of no use to Him. It is just information, thats it. Therefore, it is no surprise that a knowledgeable person is a better worshiper of Allah s.w.t than a believer who only practices a set of rituals. Indeed, the best believer is the one who has knowledge of Allah s.w.t, understands their purpose, and strives for the real home in the hereafter. How do you attain wisdom? If you want wisdom, seek it from Allah s.w.t, for He responds to you immediately. It may not be as immediate as you think but indeed wisdom begins to enter your life the moment you seek it sincerely. It may not be as you expected it but it visits you. The first thing that Allah sends in your life before wisdom are actually problems and misfortunes. Allah has to make you worthy of wisdom. He has to prepare you for wisdom. Therefore, problems start to visit you and they prepare the heart for new information. With misfortunes you become thankful and appreciative of what you have. You realize your blessings and become thankful. You realize that all things come from Allah and therefore your knowledge of your creator increases. With problems, you realize your flaws and your limitations. You start to introspect yourself. You find good and bad qualities about yourself and strive to better yourself. Problems allow you to perfect your character; a necessary step to receive important wisdom. Indeed, wisdom is the fruit of the righteous who have traveled long and difficult paths to receive it. They have acquired wisdom by being tested with great trials. Often times, wisdom comes through trials and tribulations. It is during the most difficult times that we attain the most wisdom. Thus wisdom is directly proportional to the problems you face. The more difficult the test, the greater the learning experience. It should be no surprise to us that when we seek wisdom, we encounter problems that cause us to grow spiritually and be strengthened physically. Whenever you want wisdom, seek it from Allah alone and be ready to humble yourself. It is wisdom that separates the righteous from the wicked, and it is the wise that triumph. Knowledge is believed to be better than worship because a knowledgeable person fears Allah as they should, and their actions follow through as a result of their knowledge. In the Quran, Allah purposely poses the question about knowledge to make us think: Say, Are those who know and those who do not know equal? (Quran 39:09) Allah further says in the glorious Quran that: Only the knowledgeable of His servants fear Allah. (Quran 35:28) In another verse, it is stated in the Quran that: Allah raises those of you who believe and those who have been given knowledge whole degrees. (Quran 58:11) What are the prerequisites of wisdom? Important wisdom requires high morals and good manners. Without morals, wisdom is only information and can be misused. Thus Allah has made it obligatory that for a person to receive knowledge, they must fear Him and be righteous. It is when your character is sound and pure that Allah s.w.t instills fear of Him in you. The type of fear that is the result of respect and authority. It is only after these changes take place that you begin to attain wisdom. Without fear of Allah s.w.t and good character, wisdom is only an advantage to you compared to others less wise, however, when your character is pure and you fear Allah s.w.t because of who He is, wisdom is a blessing and deserved. Therefore, one must merit wisdom by striving to positively change themselves. And when positive change takes place, Allah s.w.t sends wisdom in your life, but not without a cost. The extra wisdom requires you to do something positive with it.
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 16:42:00 +0000

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