If you want to have your socks roll up & down today- - TopicsExpress


If you want to have your socks roll up & down today- automatically, then slowly read the following & chew carefully & then sit in Jesus presence with it. The deepest human relationships of our lives permeate our mind, our emotions, and our choices. Our relationship to Christ is no different. He is not just a propositional truth to be learned, nor a mystical feeling to be experienced. He is greater than all of that. He is the Father who falls on the neck of returning prodigals and with tears of joy streaming down His cheeks, kisses them and shouts with laughter, “My son is home! Let’s have a party” (see Luke 15: 20-24). He is the Mother who smothers Her babies in kisses as they snuggle against her breasts (see Psalm 131: 2). He is the Lover who says, “I love you so much that I’ll kiss you right out in public, and I don’t care who sees me! In fact, nobody would blame me!” (see Song of Solomon 8: 1). He is the Artist who points to you and declares proudly to the universe, “Look what I made!” (see Ephesians 2: 10). He is the Composer who sings love songs to you! (see Zephaniah 3: 17). He is the Wealthy Merchant who sold everything He had so that He could make you His own (see Matthew 13: 45-46). He is the King of kings and Lord of lords who left the glory of His exalted throne in heaven, waded through the filth of this sinful world, and descended into the horrors of hell— all for one simple reason. He looked beyond the horror and saw you standing on the other side, waiting for Him to rescue you. With the kiss of grace He awakened you from your sleep of spiritual death. He swept you off your feet and is now carrying you toward the eternal honeymoon home He has prepared for you (see John 14: 2-3). Having already conquered death and hell, nothing stands in His way. Nothing will deter Him from His mission. From book I recently read: Divine Invitation by Steve Mcvey
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 13:31:38 +0000

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