If you want to know the substance of a man, look to his - TopicsExpress


If you want to know the substance of a man, look to his ‘founding fathers’. “Obama’s Founding Fathers: Bill Ayers, Frank Marshall Davis, Edward Said, Roberto Managabeira Unger and Jeremiah Wright. Their relevance is that they articulate the ideology of 1968 while also demonstrating how that ideology was imbibed by Obama right here in America – in Hawaii, at Columbia, at Harvard Law School and in Chicago . . . Frank Davis, the former Communist who was Obama’s mentor in Hawaii, was so radical that while he spurned America, he praised “Red Russia” as “my friend”. Young Obama, sitting in Davis’ hut in Hawaii week after week for several years, took it all in. This portrait of devoted young Obama imbibing the ravings of a pot smoking former Communist is the progressive version of a Norma Rockwell painting. At Columbia, Obama studied under the Palestinian scholar and activist Edward Said. For his support of Palestinian guerilla action, this former member of the Palestine National Council and associate of Yasser Arafat was termed a “Professor of Terrior”. Roberto Managabeira Unger; Obama’s teach at Harvard Law and friend since then, has sought to hide his association with Obama. “I am a leftist and by conviction as well as temperament, a revolutionary. Any association of mine with Barack Obama could only do harm.” Unger advocates what he terms as “world revolution”, a basic takeover of financial institutions and their reshaping to serve global economic equity. He calls for a global coalition of countries – supported by American progressives – to reduce the influence of the United States. Finally there is Obama’s long-time preacher, Jeremiah Wright. We’ve heard about how Obama somehow sat in his church for two decades and yet heard nothing of Wright’s radical ideology. Even progressives know this is bunkum. From Wright’s infamous sermon, “The Day of Jerusalem’s Fall”, delivered on September 16, 2001, we get the standard anti-colonial theft doctrine of other nations and because of the stuff we have done overseas is now brought back into our own front yard. {God Damn America! he said.} Translation: we are the bad guys and we deserved the 9/11 attacks.” - - - Dinesh D’Souza, America – Imagine a World Without Her
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 14:41:15 +0000

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