If you want to lay hold of your future...Youve got to let go of - TopicsExpress


If you want to lay hold of your future...Youve got to let go of your past Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on,that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Phil. 3:12-14 Paul the Apostle said, under inspiration of the Holy Spirit, that he was committed to press on so he could lay hold of Gods Plan for his life. He said in order to lay hold of his future in God, he was forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead. If there was ever anyone who understood the importance and necessity of letting go of the past to take hold of a new future...it was Paul. Listen to these verses about Pauls past and you can see what he had to forget: Acts 8:1 - Paul (his name was Saul at the time) was one of the witnesses and he agreed completely with the killing of Stephen (the first Christian killed for his faith in Jesus). (NLT) Acts 8:1 in The Message - Paul was right there, congratulating the killers. Acts 8:3 - But Paul was going everywhere to destroy the church. He went from house to house, dragging out both men and women to throw them into prison. (NLT) Acts 8:3 in the Amplified - But Paul shamefully treated and laid waste the church continuously (with cruelty and violence) and entering house after house, he dragged out men and women and committed them to prison. And finally in Acts 9:1-2 - Meanwhile Paul, still drawing his breath hard from threatening and murderous desire against the disciples of the Lord...(AMP) Talk about someone who had an ugly past to overcome! Paul knew far too well how important it was to forget those things which are behind and reach for those things which are ahead in order to lay hold of Gods new identity & plan for his life! No wonder he said, I press to lay hold of my new life (and identity) in Christ! Its not always easy to let go of the past and believe you really are who God says you are. Learning to see yourself as the New Creation that God says you are takes faith and strength! God says that you are forgiven, you are washed & cleansed by the Blood of Jesus, you are accepted, you are chosen, you are healed, you are delivered, you are blessed and you are loved! These New Testament truths about what God says about us may seem too good to be true sometimes but if Paul could forget his old identity and learn to see himself as a new person in Christ, then you and I can certainly do it with the help of the Holy Spirit as well! Its time to press on, forgetting what lies behind and reaching for what lies ahead, so you may lay hold of the brand new future and the brand new life that awaits you in Christ Jesus! Get in the Word of God and meditate on the verses that tell you who you are, now that youre saved and in Christ Jesus. Discover The Truth About The New You! Dwell On The Truth About The New You! Embrace The truth About Your New Identity! Believe That Its Who You Now Are In Christ! Speak It Like You Really Believe It! Expect It In Jesus Name! We know who we are in Christ We know that He dwells in us We know we have the authority of His Name We are God-inside minded We have His ability We have His wisdom We have His love We have His righteousness He lives in us and through us We are seated with Him in heavenly places When these truths about your new identity in Jesus Christ really begin to dawn on you, it will be the end of weakness and failure in your life forever! ...but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead... Make it your goal, your focus, and your one thing you do - today to let go of the old opinion of you and reach for the new opinion of you found in Gods Word! Your tomorrows WILL be better than your yesterdays because God has a wonderful Plan for your future and its a Plan for Total Victory! Winnetka House Update Things are great here at the Christ-Centered Sober Living Home. We have a full house (5 guys) and everyone is growing and getting along, praise God! Thanks to all of our friends & Partners who support the Ministry with their giving each month. We really couldnt do this without you. Rescued Lives Ministries Update Were still moving forward to finalize our 501 non-profit status. Were down to owing only $1,700. now and we are approved already to give tax-deductible receipts for all donations. Thank you again to all of our Friends & Partners for helping with this cost. (All gifts may be made out to Rescued Lives Ministries and mailed to 11433 Winnetka Ave N - Champlin, MN 55316) God Bless You and Join us on Monday Nights if youre in our area: Monday Night Live! - 7:00 PM 11433 Winnetka Ave N Champlin, MN 55316 We love you all and you are constantly in our prayers. Forgetting & Reaching In Christ, Jack
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 14:04:20 +0000

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