If you want to learn Japanese but having trouble in deciding how - TopicsExpress


If you want to learn Japanese but having trouble in deciding how to learn Japanese, why not use what is right in front of you? You know, the computer! It’s the most effective way of learning a second language today. The ease of attending to your studies in the comfort of your home, at your own pace, is very tailoring to one’s busy daily schedule. But more than that, it is a means of reaping the same benefits one gets from private lessons. All the focus is on you, and this is best how to learn Japanese. Advantages of Learning Japanese as an additional Foreign Language 1. Networks and Extended Family Ties Knowing a foreign language can help keep your extended family intact while also expanding your network of contacts. For example, if your relatives came from Japan or you may also have family members who remained in who migrated to Japan; therefore knowing Japanese Language will help you stay in contact with those family members and will also be useful in conducting any genealogical research about your ancestry. On social networking sites, members speak many languages and live all over the globe; knowing another language permits you to reach people who would not necessarily be in your network due to the difference in language. This enlarges the geographical scope of your relationships and enables you to expand your business and personal contacts. 2. Brain Cells Will increase the number of brain cells and according to medical studies bring attention to the positive effects learning a foreign language has on the health of the human brain. Studies by York University of Alzheimer’s patients demonstrated that those who were bilingual had a significant delay in the onset of the disease compared to their monolingual counterparts. Other studies concerning the health of monolingual and bilingual patients’ brains showed that the effects of dementia were less advanced in bilingual patients even though their brains showed more brain damage as a result of the disease. 3. Cultural Experience With Japanese as a Foreign language, will create an opportunity to experience a foreign culture, its practices and its customs. You will often gain personal perspective through such enrichment, discovering new skills or values they didn’t know they possessed. These programs give you a chance to learn from new perspectives and ways of living, as well as an opportunity to be an ambassador for your own country. 4. Job Security and Opportunities With the knowledge of an addition foreign language is equally useful for maintaining employment, particularly in industries where companies look to relocate business or expand into other markets like Japan. This is because downsized or outsourced employees who speak the language of the country where the company plans to relocate can gain an advantage in the race to be appointed to a post in the new location. Knowledge of the language of the region where your company is expanding into new markets can make you indispensable to the success of the business as you bridge the cultural gap between the two locations. Go for the Easy Ways and Excitement of Learning Japanese Language You will learn a second language in a easy and exciting new ways, using latest technology and focusing on online learning of a new foreign language. Learning a language is not just learning grammar and vocabulary; it is learning new sounds, expressions, and ways of seeing things; it is learning how to act in another culture, how to know a new community from the inside. When should you start and how much can you learn? You are never too young and it is never too late to begin. Depending on how long you study, you can gain different levels of fluency. You will probably not sound like a native speaker who has spoken the language at home as a child. Don’t worry; you’re not expected to. To a greater or lesser degree you will, however, make yourself understood, read magazines or books for pleasure or information, and meet and talk with new groups of people. Of course, it doesn’t happen overnight. Like learning math, history, or playing the piano, language learning takes time. And it adds to who you are. Should you continue language study after high school? Yes! Don’t waste your investment of time and effort; whatever you have learned is a foundation for further study. Stick with it. Use your second language on the job; seek out opportunities to use it in your community; in college, take more courses, study abroad at intersession or for a summer, a semester, or a year. Some programs teach languages in conjunction with engineering, business, nursing, or journalism. And you might decide to start yet another language. When you study a language, you learn about how to learn a language, so learning the next one is easier.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 01:39:35 +0000

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