If you want to restrict average Americans access to guns, but have - TopicsExpress


If you want to restrict average Americans access to guns, but have armed guards, you have already passed the hypocrite line. The magazine size is irrelevant. (COMMENT BELOW COPIED WRITTEN BY SCREEN NAME BLOGGER WESTSIDE PREPPER) westside prepper BULL SH..,come on he would not give up his fame for children he doesnt know,i dont believe that for one second. if you have a body guard to protect you with any firearm and try to restrict the second ammendment with your position you have,you are scum,drop your security guard and any gun you may have and practice what you preach,live like we do. ol jim you maybe a good actor but you are a terrible liar,you would not give anything up to save any strangers life no matter the ageā€¦and anybody that believes him ..your a nut. Calling Out Hollywood Hypocrite Jim Carrey-Liberal elitist Hollywood Actor Jim Carrey, who enjoys the protection of an armed bodyguard, thought it would be hilarious to make fun of gun owners in a video he published yesterday (in mature fashion, Carrey posted the video on a college site). Many people ask why pay attention to people like Carrey or Hollywood at all? The Right has ignored Hollywood for decades which has inevitably resulted in losing major culture battles. The fact is Hollywood used to be patriotic and conservative, but a lack of respect for its power and influence over the years has put conservatives into a position of fighting an uphill battle. Why? Culture and Hollywood trump politics every, single time on nearly every issue. In the age of the low-information voter, we have an obligation to call out Hollywood hypocrites like Carrey because ignoring them will only lead to a tougher battle down the road. (COMMENT BELOW COPIED WRITTEN BY SCREEN NAME RICK676) Rick676 Wrote:Mar 26, 2013 3:05 PM Mr Carrey - As much as you seem to need to be noticed, you havent been noteworthy for a number of years. As far as your screen accomplishments go, I havent paid to see any of your work, and change the channel when you appear on the TV to avoid losing grey matter at an alarming rate. It is sad to see you delve the depths to garner attention, but you are, sadly, a very insecure and needy personality that thrives only in the limelight. Your opinion wrapped in a $100 bill is still only worth 2cents, so please, by all means, return to the Great White North and live out your days with what is left of your adoring fans (2 mule deer and a moose). I myself will make it a point to never watch any show or video/movie he is in. I will boycott him. If I am able and I am in a room I will ask if I can turn the channel or take dvd out for the reason he offends me as a legal American citizen. For all those that are sick and tired of our constitutional rights being trampled on join me in boycotting this parasite.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 21:50:20 +0000

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