If you want to see low taxes and small govt in real life, come to - TopicsExpress


If you want to see low taxes and small govt in real life, come to Florida. The nightmare that my state is becoming is exactly what all the right-wing governors plan for their utopias. Florida is ahead of most red, red states -- weve been in the tank for the right wing for 19 years. Here are a few of the delights you can look forward to: 1. Property taxes go up because the state pays for nothing. 2. Teachers face classrooms of 30 or more kids and annual spending on each child is 47th in the US. 3. We dont build new schools -- we cram our kids into portable classrooms. 4. The traffic is terrible on all the major roads and construction crews consist of two guys with shovels and three mules. (My husband says that all the time). 5. Were poisoning our water and killing our wildlife. 6. Our prisons are full of people and hundreds die under mysterious circumstances every year. 7. Our Child and Family Services agencies are underfunded, understaffed, and incompetent. Every year Florida kids are killed by their guardians and the state does nothing. 8. Weve got churches -- huge churches -- where you can learn to quote a few passages from the Bible and learn why the President in the anti-Christ and why Republicans are the only God-fearing party. 9. You can Stand Your Ground and shoot unarmed folks, your own family, your neighbor or anyone who makes you feel threatened. If I could find a way to live in one of those Blue States -- I would.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 01:37:35 +0000

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