If you want to succeed at what you do and hate competing with - TopicsExpress


If you want to succeed at what you do and hate competing with others, the following might be helpful. Humanity has made some pretty impressive leaps forward, in just a few centuries. We used to live in caves; now we fly into space. From smoke signals to cell phones we can say that we’ve moved on, technically. Spirituality wise, I’m not sure our progress is so obvious, though. Despite meaningful messages left behind for us by Socrates, Jesus Christ or the Buddha, wisdom doesn’t seem to prevail. Seen from above, we might actually look like a bunch of morons trying to win a global pissing contest. Everybody wants to be the best— nobody wants to share. It’s true at both the individual and collective levels, and the reasons why we do what we do haven’t changed in ages. Competition is still our main drive. And that sucks. It sucks because rivalry is the dirtiest fuel for the mind. Being motivated by competition makes you dumber, neurotic and potentially harmful. Striving to be better than others doesn’t help you reach your potential as a person. Collaborating and seeking improvement does make you grow, but that’s a totally different thing. I’ll explain why. In this post I will clarify: Why competition is a bad model for personal development How you can develop and reach higher fulfillment, just by dumping your will to compete Competition is an obsolete, inefficient growth model Even if you’re results-oriented, I’m sure you’ll admit the following facts regarding competition: It dramatically reduces the odds to win anything: after all, there can only be ONE winner, everybody else will loose. It creates a lot of stress: your competitors will now have to be regarded as enemies. It prevents collaboration: you can’t work with others since you don’t want to share the prize with them. It changes the process of achieving success into a painful, lonely struggle. The only reward is when you eventually manage to become number one (that’s assuming you do). Here’s the first thing you should do on the personal level: abandon the competition mentality. What I mean by that is: Determine your own personal goals, don’t run for prizes other people have set up for you. Don’t define your level of success based on someone else’s. Focus on what inspires YOU, and then do it your way. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be inspired by others or even copy the way they do things. Just don’t aim at the same goals, create your own. Maintaining that type of focus will free your mind from the anxiety of competition and will increase your motivation to succeed: nothing is more motivating than a personal project. Take people by surprise competition will always exist u jst hv to do ur bst n focus on ur own shit ul hv a peaceful life ....... hope these words build you :) hv a gd nyt bookers dnt let da bed bugs bite :)
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 19:56:53 +0000

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