If you will, please take a short, hypothetical journey with - TopicsExpress


If you will, please take a short, hypothetical journey with me: You are startled awake, and run from your burning house. You call 911. They steer you to the fire dept. You report, my house is on fire, my wife and baby are inside! HURRY! They ask you, How long has the fire been burning? Confused, but cooperative, 10-15 minutes. I guess. Oh sorry,they say, well never get there in time to save your family, the fire has burned for much too long. Theres no sense in even sending fire trucks now. Sorry about your family dude. Imagine, thats the way first responders handled emergent situations. But they dont do they? Because they have no idea when it will become too late to save a life. They sound the alarm, jump in their trucks, and go balls out to get there. The ONLY logical explanation for not sending help to Benghazi, is the administration DID have an idea of how long the attack was SUPPOSED to last. The attackers had blue prints, knew the safe-room location, and SHOULD have been in and out within 2 hours. A quick kidnapping (Stevens), and masterfully negotiated prisoner swap (Blind Sheik), and the White House claims victory is ours (again)! The battle however, was inconveniently lengthened by heroes refusals of orders to stand down. .... Something to think about....Did they know? Was this a planned operation gone bad? I dont know the answer but this is certainly a new angle I have not heard before.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 03:38:03 +0000

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