If you will....this has been a long, long day. And i need a rant. - TopicsExpress


If you will....this has been a long, long day. And i need a rant. Because something is making it far worse... First and foremost. A terrible terrible tragedy today. One i wont soon forget because i was at the scene after 4am to witness the chaos of some brave officers in the driving rain - doing incredible work to track down a suspect, and keep our neighbourhood safe. This was literally yards away from my house - and it was tough to leave my girls at home knowing there was a suspect on the loose. Regardless of my feelings - there are far more suffering today because of what happened. Our thoughts should be with them. Now. Heres the problem. And, ill go on record now with this: If you dont agree with me - i dont mind - but dont bother posting a negative slant to this because ill not only delete it - but the unfriend button is easily accessible - ive actually had enough - and a lot of people are showing their true colours. With that, to be honest - i cant be bothered to engage them. For those that know me, you know how much i love our city. You also know that Im a huge defender of this city and its culture. I also subscribe to the thought that if you really hate it here that much - no one is forcing you to stay. Please do us a favour - pick a highway. Having said all of that - i cant believe the ignorance of some people in posts that ive read today about how awful Thunder Bay is - and how the city is falling apart etc etc. On the heals of members of council celebrating a lowered crime rate - and some how taking credit for it (which in it self is ridiculous) - we find ourselves in shock today over an unthinkable tragedy. Ive read nothing but negative commentary about the city...and how Thunder Bay is such a terrible place etc etc etc. If you think that this awful tragedy this morning is a Thunder Bay issue, and really believe that - please hit the unfriend button. Because clearly you dont have a clue. Crime as a whole, specifically domestic abuse and violent crime is NOT specific to Thunder Bay. If you have cable tv you know that. But to go on and on about how its typical Thunder Bay makes me crazy. Have you ever thought for one second that cultural issues, poverty, addictions and any other underlying issue in any of these crimes happen everywhere? Do you honestly believe that this is the worse place in the world to live? If so - youre clueless. There are people that have it far, far worse than we do every day. I hate Thunder Bay bashing. Especially from people that do absolutely nothing to change attitudes, lend a hand or offer sound solutions to help. Look around some of the pages today - find the people that go on and on about how this is typical for our city....then check that list of names with your favourite charity. Pretty sure none of those people are the ones lending a hand. Not just writing a cheque - but getting their hands dirty to help and make a difference. Even more so today, I hate the fact that people would actually use this tragedy today as an excuse to bash the community as a whole. If your world, or your home town or where you came from is full of roses and rainbows - off you go. Send photos. But stop the fear mongering that our city is turning into the most violent place on earth. If anything, the power of social media is showing you more hatred than ever before and thats making you more paranoid than ever before. But one tragedy like today - doesnt not define our community. None of the awful crimes that have taken place over recent weeks defines our community. Hiding behind a keyboard and stepping on a soapbox to preach about how awful YOU think our city is doesnt help anyone. Instead of sharing your uneducated views about cultural issues, domestic issues and crimes as whole - get off your keyboard and lend a hand. If you really think awful tragedies like today makes this city as a whole an awful place, then do us all a favour and move to that perfect town without terrible crime and tragedy. Let us know how it is - cause the rest of us will stay put - helping where we can - and supporting those that need the help especially today - not using the tragedy to bash where we live. Stop making this about Thunder Bay and YOU and start thinking a little more about a family that is dealing with devastation today. They need the support. How can you help?
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 02:12:14 +0000

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