If you wonder why Australian Governments (State and Federal) make - TopicsExpress


If you wonder why Australian Governments (State and Federal) make dumb policy and do dumb things, then just have a look at how they are based - The Party with the highest votes does not necessarily become the Government - because of preferences............. And, the party that becomes Government, has to share power with all the parties that lost, because they still have to get majority votes every time they want to do something......... And, every time you see the Prime Minister - the leader of the opposition has his big head in the picture as well and the press want his/her opinion on the state of the Nation............. And, If a Government makes hard tail decisions to try and save the Nation, and the voters dont get their own little nest feathered for them, they just vote for the biggest liar at the next election............ And this whole, extremely DUMB way of life was developed 100 years ago and nobody has had the nouse to fix its many wrongs.....to stop the dumbness !
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 13:15:25 +0000

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