If you wonder why this post? , Please see my previous six pack - TopicsExpress


If you wonder why this post? , Please see my previous six pack picture, so that will know the below story Based on my true story-“Lost but won” This post I am posting only for inspirational, not indented to improve likes or comments, any specific individuals. The story starts from 2013 where I had a fatal accident in my life, I had a rough patch where I was struggling to be alive in life, I prayed to god before you delete my name, my prayer was god use me, use me, use this life, I don’t know what my future holds but I know that there is vision for my life that is greater than my imagination can hold, use me, use me, what would you have me to do, that dream and desire, prayer bought me somehow to fitness. From there I have slowly started to focus and discipline on my way, the most toughest and deadliest thing is getting six pack by working for 8 hrs, therefore you need to be consistent, focus, determination, motivational, willpower, physically, mentally should be prepared to sacrifice 24\7 however when I started this journey I don’t have any support from anyone, People laughed at me when I say about six packs, most ppl say and comment this, What is the use six pack? You are normal guy working in IT but getting six packs what you will get paid? This six pack process is impossible, since you are working for 8 hours and you can’t follow those diets, its tough dude, only professionals can do this? Your face will become too thin, that is not good for health? Can’t be done? No way? Not in our lifetime? No chance? Forgot it? I thought we are having this much difficulties and I started IMPOSSIBLE to push myself to try to live a life worth writing about by pushing my limits, living an adventure & telling a great story by doing the impossible to possible. but still I need a support in terms of trainer, money, diet plan, how can I do this, I don’t have any sort of knowledge or support. Henceforth I started this journey just simply had the belief onmyself and doing all kinds of workouts and diets, but then I could not able to achieve anything, since I am not trained in right way, people said and criticizing me that it’s just waste of time, enjoy your life, if you can’t enjoy this life in this your age, when you are going to enjoy. I was losing my confidence slowly, I thought I never achieve this mission. But then I shifted my house and joined Proximum fitness, I went and said to management that I want this and no matter whatever happens, the management Sushila Maran supported me that you will achieve this, and I can guarantee you and she introduced me a amazing word class trainer called MR Narayan. However in this process I had yet another setback where all of a sudden I was in position to quit vestas, it was my best company and I never wanted to leave, so in the meantime the pressure is getting on me slowly, I needed to concentrate six packs, Jobs, diets, however there is a saying that if you give up the best and you will get the best among those all, henceforth I decided to move on and joined ICON. My Special Thanks to- Narayanan-Naren Naren (World class Trainer)- Unique Fitness Owner 1. Such a wonderful trainer and man with genuine heart. I never saw such a person who has been so truthful and genuine in his work. 2. I seen lot of people who teaches this art only for money but this man does not even seen a money, he teaches this art for his passion and glory, I have experience this where I had less budget and he came and said me, money is not important now, it will come and go but your legacy will stand forever hence you finish this goal and try to concentrate on workout, when you get the money, you can give me. 3. The GYM timing was till 9.00 PM but he opens the GYM for me till 10.30 and gives workout make sure I finish all my routines. Therefore then he goes to home, that shows the man with commitment and hunger to showcase me. 4. He always shows the positive influence, I have collapsed 2 times while doing workout because of low crabs, then I thought of giving up, however this man came and said me, you know what it means to you, this is not a place to quit, you need to get back and start. he teaches me the never given up attitude even while dying. 5. I know I am not in perfect shape, but when I go and ask him, he always says this, John you are the best, you’re in perfect shape, still some days are to go, and you can and will do it. That will give me a hell number of confidence, when your trainer do this all, you will feel lot better even other people passes a negative comments and will not give up. 6. Man with most helping heart, I would say If this man not trained me, I would not even come closer to six pack, this man does all hard work and showcased me, 7. Most important of our success is that we had a great respect and understanding of each other. Therefore I would like to give all my credit to him and dedicate this to him with lot of respect, he deserves more than me. you know what when we are in tough moments and god shown me a guy like this, I felt literally that god came down and helped me. My MOM- 1 she never liked what I am doing this all, since my face becoming too thin and I am becoming so lean etc, she don’t know what I am trying to do, none of parents wants their kid to struggle in this pain and sacrifice but then she always gives the food which I needed the most. This food and all tough to prepare since you are not supposed to add salt,oil or sugar. So she needed to prepare a separate food which contains 5 to 6 boxes in a day which has fruits, raw vegetables etc. I really love her and heartfelt thanks. The management Sushila Maran- 1. When I went and said about my six packs goals, she is the one who supported and had a belief on me that I can able to do it, and she given me a perfect diet plan. 2. We had a situation where my trainer narayanan had to move to other gym, I was unsure what I need to do, had a confusion weather to move and train with other trainer or should I go with narayana to other gym ,but moving to other gym I need to get the permission from mangment to do a workout. I was confused and by then sushila came and said me, you go and do the workout in other gym and need not pay anything, I will look after all. That shows how kindfull helping heart. I am really thanking for her. Makka Photography- I done all the hard work but then need to finish on high note and projecting those things is most important, I was wondering whom I can do a perfect shoot for six packs, I seen lot of people who does only wedding photography but Makka is the only person who does all kinds of work with amazing quality. I had a dream that one day I want to have shoot with Bhagath Kumar since he has been such a inspirational and great fan of him, I went and approached him, he is such a big shot but then he came and spoke to me with simple heart, said me only word, makka we can do it. I said needed to cut my water before shoot, he understood and confirmed me with in 1 day that shows his patience and understand the other need. I deeply respect him from bottom of my heart, hats off Makka. One Always gives postivies influence and belivid in me- Senthil chandersekar, Ash Anupama, Hema, Selvi, Prabha, Babu, Samy, Sagar, Karthikeya mani, Selvi Krishnan.Ganesh MadhivananPrithvi Krishna One who helped and stood with me--- Pavan Kumar Karakat, Sofi Philo, Joseph Liby, Chandrabose Paramasivam,Vinoth Kumar, Vijay Ananth, Sunilvasu Vasu My Partners- whenever I am down,they life me up Chandrabose Paramasivam Paramasivam, Vijay Ananth, sagar My Ex trainers-- Mithun, Mesmar Rusbuddin, Zaheer Hussain, Syed Ali, Prabha Most Negative influence Adarsh Grandhe, Senthil Kumar(SEKPA), sometimes good to have negative comments therefore I am thankful for you also since when you said no, I said Yes Last but not the least most influensing person in my life and I am thankful since when you Sasi smitha Influsing movies Rush, Bhag milkha bhag, 300, Bharth tranformation 555 My special dedication to- Vestas People- They are the one who made me to start and influenced me so much. They are the one who knows my each moment and struggle. In my send off meeting, everyone said spoke as inspirational, I would say that made me ruthless and achieve this goals. My heartfelt thanks to vestas people, hope and wish would have been standing near with KG and getting the appreciation from him. Proximum and Unique- This was my home, most of the time I spend time with these people. They always backed me so much, they seen me so different and believed in me that one day I will do it. There are number of inspiration people out here and I really enjoys every moment and it was fun loving and I am looking forward to it. ICON- I came in last stage here and they don’t know what I am doing, they just thought this what I made up off. But last 2 months people seen me and thought me as animal since I was having the raw vegetables etc, my toughest part here is that I need to answer each and every one what I am doing here since I am new to his place and people seen me strange, however slowly people understood me. I am really thankful for them also. Since last stage was the most toughest part and people helped me so much. Especially Pavan, derrick and sofia. My success all belongs to above people who have been a part of my life, I won’t say I done it, this called we done it. Thanks a lot!! sorry if i missed out anyone
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 19:03:39 +0000

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